Hi all, OFP is back, YAY!!
I am working on a nice lil mission, and I have a few questions:
1) Is it possible to access variables declared in the intro in the actual mission itself, things pan out slightly differently in the intro each time, so I want the mission to start following on correctly, at the very end og the intro I have this:
Adam1 = getDamage WAone
Adam2 = getDamage WAtwo
Apos1 = getPos WAone
Apos2 = getPos WAtwo
These are tanks, sometimes they are killed, sometimes not so I want the same to occur in the mission. I then set there damage and position at the start of the mission like so:
_apos1 = Apos1
WAone setPos [5000,0,00]
WAone setDamage Adam1
~ 0.5
WAone setPos _apos1
And the same for the second one. (obviously this script destroys them far away and brings them back a milisecond later) - they should be in exactly the same damage state and position as at the end of the intro.
Anyway, it doesnot work, clearly it seems to me that whatever variables are declared in the intro are lost at the end of it. Is there a way I can have them continue through to the mission?
2) Why does this not work? (I dont quite get the CreateUnit command):
'EStwo' createUnit [getMarkerPos 'marker1']
EStwo setDamage 0.99
There is an error displayed, something along the lines of it contains an invalid number or something, and OFP freezes up, boo hoo.
3) Im sure I had one more question, Ill post when I remember.
Thanks heaps in advance.....