IÂ'm really happy to see that ofpec is back online ;D. Now i can ask my stupid Questions again.
My Problem: I make an Cargo Truck Addon and i want to hide CoDriver Weapons because i can see some weapon details through the CoDriver door and i cant move the Proxy to the left any more....
hideWeaponsCargo=true; hides weapons from all cargos and i dont want that.
I can define CoDriver as Commander or Gunner and remove his Weapons with hideWeaponsCommander or hideWeaponsGunner but it make no sense to do that by cargo truck......
I tried hideWeaponsCoDriver but this command dont work (because its not exist
Then i tried hideWeaponCargo[]={1,0}; but it makes only error....
I think iÂ'm to stupid for this
Can someone help me with configcommand or script?