this is the Bas description.ext although i do not want the player to choose time and the only transport options are humvee, klr and foot. There is also not the option of respawning.
// Description.EXT
// Spec Op 02: Sacred Ground
// by Nagual, L13
onLoadMission=Special Operation: Sacred Ground
onLoadIntro=Special Operation: Sacred Ground
onLoadIntroTime = false;
onLoadMissionTime = false;
titleParam1 = "Time of Op:";
valuesParam1[] =
{14,5,0,.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,4,4.5,5,5.5,6,6.5,7,7.5,8,8.5,9,9.5,10,10.5,11,11.5,12,12.5,13,13.5,14,14.5,15,15.5,16,16.5,17,17.5, 18,18.5,19,19.5,20,20.5,21,21.5,22,22.5,23,23.5};
defValueParam1 = 5;
textsParam1[] =
"Default Day",
"Default Night", "00:00","00:30","01:00","01:30","02:00","02:30","03:00","03:30","04:00","04:30","05:00","05:30","06:00","06:30","07:00", "07:30","08:00","08:30","09:00","09:30","10:00","10:30","11:00","11:30","12:00","12:30","13:00","13:30","14:00","14:30", "15:00","15:30","16:00","16:30","17:00","17:30","18:00","18:30","19:00","19:30","20:00","20:30","21:00","21:30","22:00", "22:30","23:00","23:30",};
titleParam2 = "Vehicle:";
valuesParam2[] =
defValueParam2 = 2;
textsParam2[] =
{"Foot","KLR250","MH6","AH6","UH60L","MH60K","MH60L","MH60K + DAP"};
class weapons
class BAS_M4ACOG {count = 20;};
class BAS_M4MKACOG {count = 20;};
class BAS_M4MKReflex {count = 20;};
class BAS_M4REFLEX {count = 20;};
class BAS_M4REFLEXM203 {count = 20;};
class BAS_M4ACOGS {count = 20;};
class BAS_M4REFLEXS {count = 20;};
class BAS_M4REFLEXSM203 {count = 20;};
class BAS_M14AIMPOINT {count = 20;};
class BAS_M24SWS {count = 20;};
class BAS_MP5SDAIMPOINT {count = 20;};
class BAS_M249 {count = 20;};
class BAS_M249SPW {count = 20;};
class BAS_M240B {count = 20;};
class BAS_AT4Launcher {count = 20;};
class 9K32Launcher {count = 20;};
class BAS_Satcom {count = 20;};
class BAS_Soflam {count = 20;};
class BAS_Beretta {count = 50;};
class GlockS {count = 50;};
class Glock {count = 25;};
class Revolver {count = 25;};
class Tokarev {count = 25;};
class Skorpion {count = 25;};
class Ingram {count = 25;};
class Binocular {count = 25;};
class NVgoggles {count = 25;};
class Magazines
class BAS_M4Mag {count = 50;};
class BAS_M4SMag {count = 50;};
class BAS_mkshell {count = 50;};
class BAS_M14Mag {count = 50;};
class BAS_M24Mag {count = 50;};
class BAS_MP5SDMag {count = 50;};
class BAS_M249mag {count = 50;};
class BAS_M240Mag {count = 50;};
class BAS_M433grenade {count = 50;};
class BAS_AT4Rocket {count = 50;};
class 9K32Launcher {count = 20;};
class handgrenade {count = 50;};
class BAS_BerettaMag {count = 50;};
class BAS_Soflam {count = 50;};
class flare {count = 25;};
class flaregreen {count = 25;};
class flarered {count = 25;};
class flareyellow {count = 25;};
class SmokeShell {count = 25;};
class SmokeShellRed {count = 25;};
class SmokeShellGreen {count = 25;};
class Mine {count = 25;};
class Pipebomb {count = 25;};
class GlockSmag {count = 50;};
class Glockmag {count = 50;};
class Revolvermag {count = 50;};
class Tokarevmag {count = 50;};
class Skorpionmag {count = 50;};
class Ingrammag {count = 50;};
class CfgSounds
sounds[] = {flare, firel, gearload};
class flare
name = "flare";
sound[] = {"flare.ogg", 1, 1.0};
titles[] = { };
class firel
name = "firel";
sound[] = {"firel.ogg", 1, 1.0};
titles[] = { };
class gearload
name = "gearload";
sound[] = {"gearload.ogg", 1, 1.0};
titles[] = { };
class CfgIdentities
class MH6_1
name = "MH6 1";
face = "Face23";
speaker = "adam";
pitch = 1;
class MH6_2
name = "MH6 2";
face = "Face10";
speaker = "adam";
pitch = 1;
class AH6_1
name = "AH6 1";
face = "Face7";
speaker = "adam";
pitch = 1;
class APACHE_1
name = "APACHE 1";
face = "face33";
speaker = "adam";
pitch = 1;
#define CT_STATIC 0
#define CT_BUTTON 1
#define CT_EDIT 2
#define CT_SLIDER 3
#define CT_COMBO 4
#define CT_LISTBOX 5
#define CT_TOOLBOX 6
#define CT_PROGRESS 8
#define CT_HTML 9
#define CT_STATIC_SKEW 10
#define CT_ACTIVETEXT 11
#define CT_TREE 12
#define CT_3DSTATIC 20
#define CT_3DACTIVETEXT 21
#define CT_3DLISTBOX 22
#define CT_3DHTML 23
#define CT_3DSLIDER 24
#define CT_3DEDIT 25
#define CT_OBJECT 80
#define CT_OBJECT_ZOOM 81
#define CT_USER 99
// Static styles
#define ST_HPOS 0x0F
#define ST_LEFT 0
#define ST_RIGHT 1
#define ST_CENTER 2
#define ST_UP 3
#define ST_DOWN 4
#define ST_VCENTER 5
#define ST_TYPE 0xF0
#define ST_SINGLE 0
#define ST_MULTI 16
#define ST_TITLE_BAR 32
#define ST_PICTURE 48
#define ST_FRAME 64
#define ST_BACKGROUND 80
#define ST_GROUP_BOX 96
#define ST_GROUP_BOX2 112
#define ST_TILE_PICTURE 144
#define ST_WITH_RECT 160
#define ST_LINE 176
#define ST_SHADOW 256
#define ST_NO_RECT 512
// Predefined controls
#define IDC_OK 1
#define IDC_CANCEL 2
// Colors
#define TextColor 0.08, 0.08, 0.12
#define InvTextColor 0.35, 0.38, 0.36
// Fonts
#define FontS "tahomaB24"
#define FontM "tahomaB36"
#define FontHTML "courierNewB64"
#define FontHTMLBold "courierNewB64"
#define FontMAP "courierNewB64"
#define FontMAIN "SteelfishB64"
#define FontMAINCZ "SteelfishB64CE"
#define FontTITLE "SteelfishB128"
#define FontTITLEHalf "SteelfishB64"
#define FontBOOK "garamond64"
#define FontNOTES "AudreysHandI48"
class RscPicture
type = CT_STATIC;
idc = -1;
style = ST_PICTURE;
colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
font = FontS;
size = 0;
class RscText
type = CT_STATIC;
idc = -1;
style = ST_LEFT;
h = 0.04;
colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
colorText[] = {TextColor, 0.75};
font = FontS;
sizeEx = 0.02;
class RscActiveText
style = ST_LEFT;
color[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
colorActive[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
font = FontMAIN;
sizeEx = 0.05;
soundEnter[] = {"ui\ui_over", 0.2, 1};
soundPush[] = {, 0.2, 1};
soundClick[] = {"ui\ui_ok", 0.2, 1};
soundEscape[] = {"ui\ui_cc", 0.2, 1};
default = false;
class RscActiveMenu : RscActiveText
color[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
colorActive[] = {1, 0, 0, 1};
font = FontTITLEHalf;
sizeEx = 0.05;
default = false;
class RscObject
type = CT_OBJECT;
scale = 1.0;
direction[] = {0, 0, 1};
up[] = {0, 1, 0};
class RscObjNotebookListBox
type = CT_3DLISTBOX;
style = 0;
selection = "display";
angle = 0;
size = 0.8; // 3D size
colorSelect[] = {0, 1, 0, 1};
colorSelectBackground[] = {0, 1, 0, 0.2};
colorText[] = {0, 1, 0, 0.5};
font = FontHTML;
class RscObjListBox
type = CT_LISTBOX;
font = FontTITLEHalf;
style = 4;
selection = "display";
angle = 0;
size = 0.8; // 3D size
color[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
colorSelect[] = {0, 1, 0, 1};
colorSelectBackground[] = {0, 1, 0, 0.2};
colorText[] = {0, 1, 0, 0.5};
// Titles
class RscTextTITLE
type = CT_STATIC;
idc = -1;
style = ST_LEFT;
h = 0.04;
colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
font = SteelfishB128;
sizeEx = 0.1;
// Air Support Classes
class RscTextH
type = CT_STATIC;
idc = -1;
style = ST_CENTER;
colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
font = FontM;
sizeEx = 0.02;
class RscActiveTextH
idc = -1;
style = ST_LEFT;
color[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
colorActive[] = {1, 0, 0, 1};
font = FontM;
sizeEx = 0.025;
soundEnter[] = {"ui\ui_over", 0.2, 1};
soundPush[] = {, 0.2, 1};
soundClick[] = {"ui\ui_ok", 0.2, 1};
soundEscape[] = {"ui\ui_cc", 0.2, 1};
default = false;
class RscActiveText2
idc = -1;
style = ST_LEFT;
color[] = {1, 0, 0, 1};
colorActive[] = {1, 0, 0, 1};
font = FontM;
sizeEx = 0.025;
soundEnter[] = {"ui\ui_over", 0.2, 1};
soundPush[] = {, 0.2, 1};
soundClick[] = {"ui\ui_ok", 0.2, 1};
soundEscape[] = {"ui\ui_cc", 0.2, 1};
default = false;
class RscButtonH
type = CT_BUTTON;
idc = -1;
style = ST_CENTER;
colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
font = FontHTML;
sizeEx = 0.025;
soundPush[] = {, 0.2, 1};
soundClick[] = {"ui\ui_ok", 0.2, 1};
soundEscape[] = {"ui\ui_cc", 0.2, 1};
default = false;
class RscEditH
type = CT_EDIT;
idc = -1;
style = ST_LEFT;
font = FontHTML;
sizeEx = 0.01;
colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
colorSelection[] = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1};
autocomplete = false;
text = ;
class RscLB_CH
style = ST_CENTER;
idc = -1;
colorSelect[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
colorSelectBackground[] = {, 0, 0, 1};
colorText[] = {1, 0, 0, .5};
colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
font = FontHTML;
sizeEx = 0.018;
rowHeight = 0.02;
class RscLB_C2
style = ST_LEFT;
idc = -1;
colorSelect[] = {1, 0, 0, 1};
colorSelectBackground[] = {, 0, 0, 1};
colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, .8};
colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
font = FontHTML;
sizeEx = 0.018;
rowHeight = 0.04;
class RscListBox : RscLB_CH
type = CT_LISTBOX;
class RscListBox2 : RscLB_C2
type = CT_LISTBOX;
class RscCombo : RscLB_CH
type = CT_COMBO;
wholeHeight = 0.3;
class RscSliderH
type = CT_SLIDER;
style = ST_LEFT;
color[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
idc = -1;
sizeEx = 0.015;
class RscSliderV
type = CT_SLIDER;
style = ST_HPOS;
color[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
idc = -1;
sizeEx = 0.015;
class RscSliderVSPEC
type = CT_SLIDER;
style = SL_VERT;
color[] = {0, 1, 0, 1};
angle = 0;
class RscObjectH
type = CT_OBJECT;
scale = 1.0;
direction[] = {0, 0, 1};
up[] = {0, 1, 0};
// ***********************************************TITLE*******************************************
class DlgTitle
idd = 1133;
movingEnable = true;
controlsBackground[] = {};
objects[] = { };
controls[] = {MISSION_TITLE};
idc = 100;
style = ST_CENTER;
x = 0.21;
y = 0.9;
w = 0.6;
h = 0.1;
class DlgComplete
idd = 3333;
movingEnable = true;
controlsBackground[] = {MISSION_COMPLETE};
objects[] = { };
controls[] = {};
idc = 100;
style = ST_CENTER;
x = 0.21;
y = 0.9;
w = 0.6;
h = 0.1;
text = "Mission Complete";
class DlgInComplete
idd = 3334;
movingEnable = true;
controlsBackground[] = {MISSION_INCOMPLETE};
objects[] = { };
controls[] = {};
idc = 100;
style = ST_CENTER;
x = 0.21;
y = 0.9;
w = 0.6;
h = 0.1;
text = "Mission Incomplete";
class DlgKIA
idd = 3335;
movingEnable = true;
controlsBackground[] = {MISSION_KIA};
objects[] = { };
controls[] = {};
idc = 100;
style = ST_CENTER;
x = 0.20;
y = 0.9;
w = 0.6;
h = 0.1;
text = "K.I.A";
class DlgFail
idd = 3336;
movingEnable = true;
controlsBackground[] = {MISSION_FAIL};
objects[] = { };
controls[] = {};
idc = 100;
style = ST_CENTER;
x = 0.21;
y = 0.9;
w = 0.6;
h = 0.1;
text = "Mission Failed";
class DlgHeloCom
idd = 13;
movingEnable = true;
controlsBackground[] = {COM_BACK,COM_FRAME};
objects[] = { };
class COM_ROE : RscTextH
idc = 100;
style = ST_CENTER;
x = 0.83;
y = 0.50;
w = 0.13;
h = 0.8;
text = "ROE:";
class COM_APPLY : RscActiveTextH
idc = 101;
style = ST_CENTER;
x = 0.853;
y = 0.693;
w = 0.08;
h = 0.03;
text = "TRANSMIT";
action = "ctrlSetText [101, ""Sent""]; 106 exec {HeloCom\execute.sqs}; closeDialog 13";
default = true;
class COM_CLOSE : RscButtonH
idc = 103;
x = 0.94;
y = 0.342;
w = 0.02;
h = 0.02;
text = "x";
action = "closeDialog 0";
class COM_BACK : RscTextH
colorBackground[] = {0.1, 0.7, 0.8, 0.1};
text = ;
x = 0.83;
y = 0.344;
w = 0.13;
h = 0.385;
class COM_FRAME : RscTextH
idc = 104;
style = ST_FRAME;
colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
text = "Air Support";
sizeEx = 0.024;
x = 0.83;
y = 0.33;
w = 0.13;
h = 0.4;
class COM_FRAMEB : RscTextH
idc = 104;
style = ST_FRAME;
colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
text = " ";
sizeEx = 0.025;
x = 0.83;
y = 0.68;
w = 0.13;
h = 0.05;
class COM_FRAMED : RscTextH
idc = 104;
style = ST_FRAME;
colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
text = "Data";
sizeEx = 0.020;
x = 0.83;
y = 0.35;
w = 0.13;
h = 0.09;
class COM_FRAMEA : RscTextH
idc = 104;
style = ST_FRAME;
colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
text = "Actions";
sizeEx = 0.020;
x = 0.83;
y = 0.435;
w = 0.13;
h = 0.08;
class COM_FRAMEC : RscTextH
idc = 104;
style = ST_FRAME;
colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
text = "Commands";
sizeEx = 0.020;
x = 0.83;
y = 0.53;
w = 0.13;
h = 0.163;
class COM_FRAMEX : RscTextH
idc = 105;
style = ST_FRAME;
colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
text = "Close";
sizeEx = 0.025;
x = 0.94;
y = 0.342;
w = 0.02;
h = 0.02;
class COM_B : RscCombo
idc = 106;
x = 0.844;
y = 0.55;
w = 0.1;
h = 0.02;
class COM_R : RscCombo
idc = 1066;
x = 0.844;
y = 0.575;
w = 0.1;
h = 0.02;
class COM_S : RscCombo
idc = 10666;
x = 0.844;
y = 0.60;
w = 0.1;
h = 0.02;
class COM_HEIGHT : RscSliderV
idc = 107;
x = 0.835;
y = 0.63;
w = 0.12;
h = 0.04;
class COM_HEIGHTTT : RscSliderH
idc = 1077;
x = 0.96;
y = 0.345;
w = 0.03;
h = 0.38;
class COM_HEIGHTT : RscTextH
idc = 108;
style = ST_CENTER;
x = 0.83;
y = 0.63;
w = 0.13;
h = 0.1;
text = "Height:-";
class COM_DAMAGE : RscTextH
idc = 109;
style = ST_CENTER;
x = 0.83;
y = 0.33;
w = 0.13;
h = 0.1;
text = "Damage:";
class COM_FUEL : RscTextH
idc = 110;
style = ST_CENTER;
x = 0.83;
y = 0.35;
w = 0.13;
h = 0.1;
text = "Fuel:";
class COM_DIR : RscTextH
idc = 111;
style = ST_CENTER;
x = 0.83;
y = 0.37;
w = 0.13;
h = 0.1;
text = "Bearing:";
class COM_ENGINE : RscActiveTextH
idc = 112;
style = ST_CENTER;
x = 0.85;
y = 0.45;
w = 0.09;
h = 0.025;
text = "Engine";
action = "112 exec {HeloCom\Helo_engine.sqs}; closedialog 13";
default = false;
class COM_FLARES : RscActiveTextH
idc = 113;
style = ST_CENTER;
x = 0.85;
y = 0.47;
w = 0.09;
h = 0.025;
text = "Flares";
action = "113 exec {HeloCom\Helo_flares.sqs}; closedialog 13";
default = false;
class COM_CAS : RscActiveTextH
idc = 114;
style = ST_CENTER;
x = 0.85;
y = 0.49;
w = 0.09;
h = 0.025;
text = "CAS";
action = "114 exec {HeloCom\Helo_cas.sqs}; closedialog 13";
default = false;
class COM_LIST : RscActiveTextH
idc = 115;
style = ST_CENTER;
x = 0.853;
y = 0.515;
w = 0.08;
h = 0.02;
text = "Helo List";
action = "115 exec {HeloCom\HeloDialogs.sqs}; closeDialog 13";
default = false;
class DlgHeloList
idd = 14;
movingEnable = true;
controlsBackground[] = {LIST_FRAME,LIST_BACK};
objects[] = { };
class LIST_BACK : RscTextH
colorBackground[] = {0.1, 0.7, 0.8, 0.1};
text = ;
x = 0.83;
y = 0.344;
w = 0.13;
h = 0.385;
class LIST_FRAME : RscTextH
idc = 1101;
style = ST_FRAME;
colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
text = "Helo List";
sizeEx = 0.024;
x = 0.83;
y = 0.33;
w = 0.13;
h = 0.4;
class LIST_FRAMEX : RscTextH
idc = 1102;
style = ST_FRAME;
colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
text = "Close";
sizeEx = 0.025;
x = 0.94;
y = 0.342;
w = 0.02;
h = 0.02;
class LIST_CLOSE : RscButtonH
idc = 1103;
x = 0.94;
y = 0.342;
w = 0.02;
h = 0.02;
text = "x";
action = "closeDialog 14";
class LIST_LIST : RscListBox2
idc = 1104;
x = 0.83;
y = 0.38;
w = 0.13;
h = 0.29;
class LIST_FRAMEB : RscTextH
idc = 1105;
style = ST_FRAME;
colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
text = " ";
sizeEx = 0.025;
x = 0.83;
y = 0.68;
w = 0.13;
h = 0.05;
class LIST_APPLY : RscActiveTextH
idc = 1106;
style = ST_CENTER;
x = 0.853;
y = 0.693;
w = 0.08;
h = 0.03;
text = "SELECT";
action = "ctrlSetText [1106, ""Sent""]; 1104 exec {HeloCom\HeloComSwitch.sqs}; closedialog 14";
default = true;
// description.ext file for the Spectating script v1.2 by Kegetys <>
http://www.ofp.kege.cjb.netclass RscHTML{};
class DlgSpectateDeath
idd = 821151551;
movingEnable = true;
class Background4 : RscText
x = 0.0;
y = 0.0;
w = 1;
h = 0.065;
text = ;
colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
class Background5 : RscText
x = 0.0;
y = 0.935;
w = 1;
h = 0.065;
text = ;
colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
class BackgroundMenu : RscText
idc = 1046006;
x = 0.02;
y = 0.055;
w = 0.120;
h = 0.19;
text = ;
colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0.8};
class BackgroundList : RscText
idc = 1047001;
x = 0.84;
y = 0.055;
w = 0.14;
h = 0.26;
text = ;
colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0.8};
class ListBox : RscObjListBox
idc = 1047002;
x = 0.85;
y = 0.075;
w = 0.12;
h = 0.22;
rows = 5;
rowHeight = 0.01;
size = 0.56; // 3D size
colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.6};
colorSelect[] = {0.3, 0.5, 1, 1};
colorSelectBackground[] = {0, 1, 0, 0.2};
class Title : RscText
idc = -1;
style = ST_CENTER;
x = 0.2;
y = -0.015;
w = 0.6;
h = 0.1;
font = FontTITLEHalf;
colorText[] = {1, 0, 0, 1};
sizeEx = 0.048;
text = "YOU ARE DEAD";
class ButtonNEXT : RscActiveMenu
idc = -1;
x = 0.90;
y = 0.94;
w = 0.15;
h = 0.05;
text = "Next >>";
default = 0;
soundClick[] = {"ui\ui_ok", 0.2, 1};
action = "1 exec ""nextCam.sqs""";
class ButtonPREV : RscActiveMenu
idc = -1;
x = 0.55;
y = 0.94;
w = 0.15;
h = 0.05;
text = "<< Previous";
default = 0;
soundClick[] = {"ui\ui_ok", 0.2, 1};
action = "-1 exec ""nextCam.sqs""";
class Spectation : RscText
idc = -1;
style = ST_CENTER;
x = 0.70;
y = 0.94;
w = 0.15;
h = 0.05;
font = FontTITLEHalf;
colorText[] = {1, 0, 0, 1};
sizeEx = 0.05;
text = "- Spectating -";
class PlrName : RscText
idc = 116969;
style = ST_CENTER;
x = 0.10;
y = 0.94;
w = 0.15;
h = 0.05;
font = FontTITLEHalf;
colorText[] = {1, 0, 0, 1};
color[] = {1, 0, 0, 1};
colorActive[] = {1, 0.2, 0.2, 1};
sizeEx = 0.05;
text = "Unknown";
class Menu : RscActiveMenu
idc = 1046007;
x = 0.03;
y = 0.02;
w = 0.15;
h = 0.025;
text = "view menu";
default = 0;
angle = 90;
colorActive[] = {0.4, 0.8, 1, 1};
soundClick[] = {"ui\ui_ok", 0.2, 1};
action = "ctrlShow [1046001,false];ctrlShow [1046002,false];ctrlShow [1046003,false];ctrlShow [1046004,false];ctrlShow [1046005,false];ctrlShow [1046006,false];ctrlShow [1046007,false];ctrlShow [1046008,true];ctrlShow [1046009,false];ctrlShow [1046010,false];ctrlShow [1046011,false];ctrlShow [1046012,false];ctrlShow [1046013,false];ctrlShow [1046014,false];ctrlShow [1046015,false];ctrlShow [1046016,false];ctrlShow [1046017,false];ctrlShow [1046018,false];ctrlShow [1046019,false]";
sizeEx = 0.028;
class Menu2 : Menu
idc = 1046008;
color[] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.4};
colorActive[] = {0.3, 0.5, 1, 1};
action = "ctrlShow [1046001,true];ctrlShow [1046002,true];ctrlShow [1046003,true];ctrlShow [1046004,true];ctrlShow [1046005,true];ctrlShow [1046006,true];ctrlShow [1046007,true];ctrlShow [1046008,false];ctrlShow [1046009,true];ctrlShow [1046010,true];ctrlShow [1046011,true];ctrlShow [1046012,true];ctrlShow [1046013,true];ctrlShow [1046014,true];ctrlShow [1046015,true];ctrlShow [1046016,true];ctrlShow [1046017,true];ctrlShow [1046018,true];ctrlShow [1046019,true]";
class MenuPlrs : RscActiveMenu
idc = 1048001;
x = 0.92;
y = 0.02;
w = 0.15;
h = 0.025;
text = "namelist";
default = 0;
angle = 90;
colorActive[] = {0.4, 0.8, 1, 1};
soundClick[] = {"ui\ui_ok", 0.2, 1};
action = "ctrlShow [1047002,false];ctrlShow [1047001,false];ctrlShow [1048001,false];ctrlShow [1048002,true];";
sizeEx = 0.028;
class MenuPlrs2 : MenuPlrs
idc = 1048002;
color[] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.4};
colorActive[] = {0.3, 0.5, 1, 1};
action = "ctrlShow [1047002,true];ctrlShow [1047001,true];ctrlShow [1048001,true];ctrlShow [1048002,false];";
class MenuItem1 : RscActiveMenu
idc = 1046001;
x = 0.03;
y = 0.08;
w = 0.08;
h = 0.025;
text = "Close View";
default = 0;
angle = 90;
colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.6};
colorActive[] = {0.3, 0.5, 1, 1};
soundClick[] = {"ui\ui_ok", 0.2, 1};
action = "DeathCam camSetFOV 0.976;DeathCam camSetTarget vehicle DeathCamCurCamTarget;DeathCamComSpeed = 0.4;DeathCamRelPos = [0,-2,0.3];DeathCamTarHeight = 1.7;DeathCamCineViewSpecial = 0;DeathCamExit = false";
sizeEx = 0.028;
class MenuItem2 : MenuItem1
idc = 1046002;
y = 0.11;
text = "Far View";
action = "DeathCam camSetFOV 0.976;DeathCam camSetTarget vehicle DeathCamCurCamTarget;DeathCamComSpeed = 1.9;DeathCamRelPos = [0,-8,2.5];DeathCamTarHeight = 1.5;DeathCamCineViewSpecial = 0;";
class MenuItem3 : MenuItem1
idc = 1046003;
y = 0.14;
text = "Front View";
action = "DeathCam camSetFOV 0.976;DeathCam camSetTarget vehicle DeathCamCurCamTarget;DeathCamComSpeed = 0.1;DeathCamRelPos = [0,4.0,0.02];DeathCamTarHeight = 1.7;DeathCamCineViewSpecial = 0;";
class MenuItem4 : MenuItem1
idc = 1046004;
y = 0.17;
text = "Top View";
action = "DeathCam camSetFOV 0.976;DeathCam camSetTarget [0,0,-99999999.99];DeathCamComSpeed = 0.05;DeathCamRelPos = [0,0.1,50.0];DeathCamTarHeight = 1.7;DeathCamCineViewSpecial = 2;";
class MenuItem5 : MenuItem1
idc = 1046005;
y = 0.20;
text = "Cinematic View";
action = "DeathCam camSetFOV 0.976;DeathCam camSetTarget vehicle DeathCamCurCamTarget;DeathCamRelPos = [3,70.1,10.0];DeathCam camSetRelPos DeathCamRelPos;DeathCamComSpeed = 0;DeathCamCineViewSpecial = 1;";
class MenuLine : RscText
idc = 1046011;
style = ST_LINE;
x = 0.113;
y = 0.0;
w = 0;
h = 0.243;
text = ;
colorBackground[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
color[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
class MenuSlider : RscSliderVSPEC
idc = 1046010;
x = 0.12;
y = 0.08;
w = 0.015;
h = 0.15;
color[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.8};
class MenuSliderLTR1 : RscText
idc = 1046012;
x = 0.1145;
y = 0.1045;
w = 0.015;
h = 0.01;
text = "D";
color[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.2};
sizeEx = 0.018;
class MenuSliderLTR2 : MenuSliderLTR1
idc = 1046013;
x = 0.1150;
y = 0.1175;
text = "I";
class MenuSliderLTR3 : MenuSliderLTR1
idc = 1046014;
y = 0.1305;
text = "S";
class MenuSliderLTR4 : MenuSliderLTR1
idc = 1046015;
y = 0.1435;
text = "T";
class MenuSliderLTR5 : MenuSliderLTR1
idc = 1046016;
y = 0.1565;
text = "A";
class MenuSliderLTR6 : MenuSliderLTR1
idc = 1046017;
y = 0.1695;
text = "N";
class MenuSliderLTR7 : MenuSliderLTR1
idc = 1046018;
y = 0.1830;
text = "C";
class MenuSliderLTR8 : MenuSliderLTR1
idc = 1046019;
y = 0.1960;
text = "E";
// see for news
// or email
// original from BIS, modified by vektorboson
// thanks to KTottE for some hints
// Vektorboson Colors
#define VB_LB_TXC 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1
#define VB_LB_STXC 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1
#define VB_T_LC 1, 1, 1, 0.75
#define VB_FR_BGC 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.75
class RscTextSAT
type = CT_STATIC;
idc = -1;
style = ST_LEFT;
h = 0.04;
colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
colorText[] = {VB_T_LC};
font = FontS;
sizeEx = 0.02;
class RscPictureSAT : RscTextSAT
style = ST_PICTURE;
// from here added by vektorboson
class RscFrameSAT
type = CT_STATIC;
idc = -1;
style = ST_FRAME;
colorBackground[] = {VB_LB_STXC};
colorText[] = {VB_LB_TXC};
font = FontHTML;
sizeEx = 0.02;
class RscButtonSAT
type = CT_BUTTON;
idc = -1;
style = ST_CENTER;
colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
sizeEx = 0.025;
font = FontHTML;
soundPush[] = { , 0.2, 1};
soundClick[] = {"ui\ui_ok", 0.2, 1};
soundEscape[] = {"ui\ui_cc", 0.2, 1};
// from here BIS
class RscActiveTextSAT
style = ST_LEFT;
color[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
colorActive[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
font = FontMAIN;
sizeEx = 0.05;
soundEnter[] = {"ui\ui_over", 0.2, 1};
soundPush[] = {, 0.2, 1};
soundClick[] = {"ui\ui_ok", 0.2, 1};
soundEscape[] = {"ui\ui_cc", 0.2, 1};
default = false;
class RscActiveMenuSAT : RscActiveTextSAT
color[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
colorActive[] = {1, 1, 0, 1};
font = FontTITLEHalf;
sizeEx = 0.05;
default = false;
class RscSliderHSAT
type = CT_SLIDER;
style = ST_HPOS;
color[] = {0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1};
idc = -1;
sizeEx = 0.025;
class DlgSatellite
idd = -1;
movingEnable = true;
idc = 224;
x = 0.12; y = 0.12; w = 0.1; h = 0.032;
class SAT_CAM_BG1 : RscTextSAT
x = 0.0; y = 0.0; w = 1; h = 0.1;
text = ;
colorBackground[] = {VB_LB_TXC};
class SAT_CAM_BG2 : RscTextSAT
x = 0; y = 0; w = 0.1; h = 1;
text = ;
colorBackground[] = {VB_LB_TXC};
class SAT_CAM_BG3 : RscTextSAT
x = 0.9; y = 0; w = 0.1; h = 1;
text = ;
colorBackground[] = {VB_LB_TXC};
class SAT_CAM_BG4 : RscTextSAT
x = 0; y = 0.9; w = 1; h = 0.1;
text = ;
colorBackground[] = {VB_LB_TXC};
class SAT_CAM_DOT : RscPictureSAT
idc = 200;
x = 0.865; y = 0.865; w = 0.015; h = 0.02;
text = "satellite\images\dot3.paa";
class SAT_CAM_MARKER : RscPictureSAT
x = 0.45; y = 0.45; w = 0.1;h = 0.133;
text = "satellite\images\target.paa";
class SAT_CAM_NOISE : RscPictureSAT
idc = 225;
x = 0.1; y = 0.1;w = 0.8; h = 0.8;
text = "";
class SAT_CAM_MONITOR : RscPictureSAT
x = 0.1; y = 0.1;w = 0.8; h = 0.8;
text = "satellite\images\zeilen2.paa";
objects[]= {};
class SAT_CAM_ZOOMIN : RscActiveMenuSAT
idc = 206;
text = $STR_UI_ZOOMIN;
x = 0.08; y = 0.02; w = 0.1; h = 0.032; sizeEx = 0.032;
action = "[6] exec ""satellite\adjustCamera.sqs""";
class SAT_CAM_ZOOMOUT : RscActiveMenuSAT
idc = 207;
x = 0.18; y = 0.02; w = 0.1; h = 0.032; sizeEx = 0.032;
action = "[7] exec ""satellite\adjustCamera.sqs""";
idc = 206;
x = 0.7; y = 0.02; w = 0.28; h = 0.04;
color[] = {1,1,1,1};
text = "IN << Zoom >> OUT";
style = ST_CENTER;
x = 0.7; y = 0.06; w = 0.28; h = 0.04;
class SAT_CAM_PUSHLEFT : RscActiveMenuSAT