Does anybody here have any experience with the CoC tomahawk addon?
I have one east launcher (t1) and a marker (Tstrike_1) where i want the missile to hit, but i have troubles with executing the script.
here's a quote from the readme:
IV.B. Cruise Missile Stuff
IV.B.i. Master control scripts
ARPM.sqs (Angular Recursive Path-finding Module)
called by CMOrders.sqs.
[launcher, target position, warheadtype, "firemode", "FireOrder", "Posture", number of missiles to fire (,priority)] exec "\CoC_CM\scripts\ARPM.sqs"
launcher: unit name of CoC_CruiseLauncher
target position: [x,y,z] location
warheadtype: one of "CoC_BLU97", "CoC_WDU25" or "CoC_CMNUKE"
"FireMode": of format "CoCIFA%fm" where % corresponds to Launcher UA asset number
"FireOrder": of format "CoC_IFA%fi"
"Posture": of format "CoC_IFA%p"
number of missiles to fire: a number.
priority (optional): a number corresponding to priority. Values are; 0 (RUN - not used by UA), 1 (HIGH), 2 (NORMAL), 3 (OPPORTUNITY).
The launcher, target position, number of missiles to fire,priority and warheadtype i can figure out but rest i'm having troubles with
Sorry. Just had a wee look at CoC forums and what a ya know the answer was right there.