I have a mission that constantly freezes and causes an OFP aplication hang. The reset button is the only cure for it so far.
Funny thing is, the freezing only occurs when I play the mission as part of a campaign. When I separate the mission from the campaign folder and play it as stand alone in the editor, everything works.
ThatÂ's why I hope there might be an editing way to solve this problem.
The aplication hang always occurs between missions, when one of the endTriggers fires (but before the next mission starts - hence no trouble in the editor), and there is no apparent reason for it. There are one END1 trigger and 5 or 6 ENDLOSE triggers in the mission.
All triggers fire as they should in the editor.
There is nothing wrong with the structure of the campaign (if I rename another mission and insert it into the campaign, where the erroneous mission should be, everything works - so the problem is not the mission after the erroneous one).
No scripts are running at the end of the mission. Only addons included are BAS addons (DeRa-pack and Tonal OPFOR)
Is there some known problem connected with endtriggers? Or is it just OFP consuming too much CPU power upon loading/saving? Any one had any similar experiences.