Let's take an example with a beretta and a glock.
Allrite, here we go:
name your man 'aP' or something like it, because I am going to referr to aP later on.
twopistols1.sqs this should be activated with a radio Alpha, activation: repeatedly and have the name "Change to Glock"
and have the activation field say
[] exec "twopistols1.sqs---------------------
RemoveAllWeapons aP
aP AddWeapon "Glock"
aP AddMagazine "GlockMag"
aP AddMagazine "GlockMag"
aP AddMagazine "GlockMag"
aP AddMagazine "GlockMag"
twoweapons2.sqs this should have activation radio Bravo, repeatedly, name "Change to Beretta". on activation:
[] exec "twoweapons2.sqs"------------------------
RemoveAllWeapons aP
aP AddWeapon "Beretta"
aP AddMagazine "BerettaMag"
aP AddMagazine "BerettaMag"
aP AddMagazine "BerettaMag"
aP AddMagazine "BerettaMag"
this concludes my scripting thingy... if this don't work, dont yell at me, since I just tried to help