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Author Topic: Noob needs help!!!  (Read 1444 times)

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Noob needs help!!!
« on: 11 Jul 2005, 11:35:59 »

I'm a very timid and extremely novice mission designer - my greatest contribution to OFPEC was a post...

I'm trying to create a mission that involves Combined Arms assaults - tanks, choppers, grunts...the works. However, having read the various tutorials etc. I've noticed that camera work (cutscenes) are essential. Problem - I'm appalling at scripts!!!! ???

Any suggestions for the mission, including which island, which side etc. would be welcome. Also, any serving members of the military who could help me out with NATO/Russian doctrine would be most welcome.

Thanks in advance!!!  ;)

Offline rado1265

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Re:Noob needs help!!!
« Reply #1 on: 11 Jul 2005, 15:01:52 »
Hm, it seems you're without any idea, what do you want to create (you just know, that you want to do some mission), also you want quickly to jump over some steps in learning curve.  Starting to make a mission without any solid idea is not realy a good building block, if you asking me.

My advice: wait on some "inspiration"; you need a story, or plot or something (a skeleton structure) you can grab on.  And if you're appalling of scripts; you can create a very nice missions without any script involved (scripts don't make a good missions by themselves, you know), except for the cutscenes, (but it's not a crime, if a mission haven't one), so, start from this points.

This proces can later (after few missions being done - after few more "expirience points" being collected) intrigue you to do more compelling, and "complicated" (script driven) missions.

You see, you need something like a learning curve, don't try to hurry things, we're all been once on this path.  And yes, read as much tutorials as you can.
« Last Edit: 11 Jul 2005, 15:02:47 by karantan »

Offline 456820

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Re:Noob needs help!!!
« Reply #2 on: 11 Jul 2005, 17:13:39 »
i would make the player a West soldier not a leader
on Malden taking a small outpost west of the airport grouping up then 2 teams flank to the left of the airport and another 2 teams to the right of the air port
with tanks comming in from the south and Apache gun ships covering from the air and then 3 teams spread out into a line formation and attack the west of the airport

abit more of the idea

You land on the beaches in M113's to the north west where the desert area is then you will drive douth from that position until you are west of the air port then you must seize a Russian outpost near the airport when its secure all teams must regroup then 3 Blackhawks will set of from a pretend LST and come right around to the south and drop of 3 teams of 8men as the teams are flanking the airport once all teams have been touched down and are in position the go code is given the tanks aproach ripping their way through enemy out posts south of the port then several of those little choppers (cant rememebr there name wich carries laser desigantors) will use there Ffar's on the out posts to kill any infantry the tanks missed then the tanks will storm the south of the airport as the infantry takes care of other enemy infantry aswell as light armour the airport must be checked for AA equipment before the Apache gunships come in to help destroy all tanks

And to my knowlede at the north of the airport theres no roads so when the Russinas start to retre to the east beaches allied boats will disember men and the baches will be cleared then they will advance into the airport and trap the russians in the middle of the airport

thats just a rather quick idea


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Re:Noob needs help!!!
« Reply #3 on: 12 Jul 2005, 00:32:14 »
Simple idea...that blew my nice simple village assault out of the water.  :o

Offline 456820

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Re:Noob needs help!!!
« Reply #4 on: 12 Jul 2005, 16:18:15 »
well if you want a large combined assault would you honestly send tanks infantry and choppers on a small village ?
you wouldnt you might have an apc or light armour like an M60 and maybe a single Uh60 MG patrolling above in the air but thats as much i think

but if you want the works then you must use a large space on the map and what else can be larger then the airport and its easy to make a story using any mission wich invlves attacking the airport

eg, We keep getting bombed by enemy Su25 were losing lots of men and armour and are losing this war everyday the russians are getting more supplies from the air its time to take that airport and end all this fighting from the air

simple and easy to understand.
if you want i could help with the mission but i cant d much as i am creating a mission for Maximus-sniper and also making my campaign


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Re:Noob needs help!!!
« Reply #5 on: 12 Jul 2005, 18:38:11 »
Hi Colonel!
Beginning to mission make is nothing more than clicking elements and typing codes that perform specific tasks. Alls you need to do is learn them! In fact, the hardest part of a mission isn't the actual execution of design, it's the ideas! Usually the Mission Ideas location in the forum can heal that wound but nothing is more effective than your own genuine and unique ideas. Let's face it, raiding towns, tank assaults and stealth missions are common. You'd struggle to place anything unique into the community and because of this most reviewers dismiss most apects of originality (an exect copy of a mission wont do you any favours ;)).

Once you've decided on an idea it's time to get to work. Start of by dedicating alot, if not most of your time reading guides from the basics such as lighting a fire to more advanced camera scripting. Take a look in the forums for help & advice on various subjects. You don't need to post whenever you have a problem :)!

(scripts don't make a good missions by themselves, you know)
Unfortunatly I only agree partially, they don't make good missions themselves but when used they turn 5-rated missions into 8's and 9's. Remember, SCRIPTING ENGULFS 25% OF YOUR OVERALL MARKS! So ensure you use them as often as possible.

Download Amalfi's PBO decriptor. With it, you can take someones mission and view it in the editor. From there, you can learn how they made it and with which codes, scripts and editor-driven features.

Most of all: take advice, continue to learn and have a crate of Pepsi, an excuse for your girlfriend and plenty of music for those long nights in editing. Take your time with all missions!
Good luck!
ProudPotter2490 :afro:

Since your after mission idea's, heres a few: convoy attack, Shilka stealth mission,  camp raid, patrol mission. I'm sure you can think of more!

Also one more piece of advice - USE THE BETA FORUM! You'll get more help from there than in any other forum!
« Last Edit: 12 Jul 2005, 18:41:03 by ProudPotter2490 »

Offline 456820

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Re:Noob needs help!!!
« Reply #6 on: 12 Jul 2005, 18:53:33 »
Most of all: take advice, continue to learn and have a crate of Pepsi, an excuse for your girlfriend and plenty of music for those long nights in editing. Take your time with all missions!

lol hell yeah ths one good peice of advice for mission editing the only thing is im running out of cd's to play lol and excuses i have to use 'im to tired' but i personally prefer Drpepper and its on offer lol

also get an idea of what the mission is find a place on the map suitable get a small easy to handle chopper and fly low over the top to see where you can place units and wheres most effective unit placement you dont what to use aload of units just a few very cleverly placed ones makes the mission harder and less lagy
good luck