And I bet there's more destroyed vehicles now becuase of IRAQ 2: Back to the Gulf.
Anyhow, to the addon. There are a couple of problems that I found with it.
1.The bridges need some help. Some aren't level with the ground they're connected with, and almost all of them have sections that are overlapping, unconnected or of different heights.
2.The Iraq OFP Menu anim doesn't play after I played a mission on the Iraq island. I tried it with the anim folder in the Addons folder and the Res/Addons folder, both to no avail.
3.Some of the dirt roads are too far from the main roads at the connections, so it is easy to miss a side road. I don't know if this is intentional or not.
Other than that, it looks like a great island. The cities are nicely done. I didn't know that much of Iraq was destroyed, but anyway, keep up the good work!
Edit: Looking at it again it would be nice if you did use an addon, either Updated Afghanistan or a Middle Eastern object pack. That way, the houses in the desert wouldn't all have to be destroyed ones (I think there should be some that are standing). Also, you could then replace all the churches with mosques.