In a mission Im making, I am trying to move the pilot into a missile so he can guide it, and move the gunner into the pilots seat to control the Helicopter while the pilot is busy.
The problem is, I eject them from the aircraft and they go into a parachute, and can't be moved out...
_heli = _this select 0
_missile = _this select 1
_unit = driver _heli
_gunner = gunner _heli
_unit Action ["Eject",_heli]
_unit moveindriver _missile
_gunner Action ["Eject",_heli]
_gunner moveindriver _heli
Also is there a command to make the players input be inacted on another unit, so that the player is techinically controlling another unit?
there is the switchcamera command, but it dosn't switch over the players control to control a missile