I'm currently trying to make a small script for some camCreated artillery. I am an experienced programer, yet I can't figure out exactly why I keep getting the error "Scalar Bool Array String 0xfcffffcef".
Also, I made a small script (included) that picks a random vehicle ammo to use for the explosion, so more variety is included. However, it will only return "Shell73" or the aforementioned error as the variable _uwp (which is the weapon to be used).
_vwp# variables are the vehicle ammos to choose from.
So, if anyone has any ideas, I would be most delighted to hear them. Thanks.
_center = getPos gl1
;* Insert your diameter here:
_di = 150;
;* Insert the total amount of rounds to shoot here:
_total = 20
;* Edit these if you know what you are doing:
_count = 0
_vwp0 = "Shell125"
_vwp1 = "Heat125"
_vwp2 = "Heat73"
_vwp3 = "Shell73"
_ri = random 4
?(_ri < 0):_uwp = _vwp0
?(_ri < 1):_uwp = _vwp1
?(_ri < 2):_uwp = _vwp2
?(_ri < 3):_uwp = _vwp3
mk sideChat Format["%1 chosen by %2",_uwp,_ri]
hint format ["%1", _uwp]
_rx = random _di
_ry = random _di
_cx = _rx + _center select 0
_cy = _ry + _center select 1
_cz = 300
_pos set [0,_cx]
_pos set [1,_cy]
_pos set [2,_cz]
mk sideChat Format["%1 AND %2",_pos,_uwp]
_uwp camCreate _pos
_count = _count + 1
?(_count < _total):goto leapback
?!(_count < _total):exit