hey bedges i looked at that thread and found your post it works but it always seems to bury the object into the ground
_x = getpos player select 0
_y = getpos player select 1
_dir = getdir player
w1 = "wire" camcreate [_x + (2*sin(_dir)), _y + (2*cos(_dir))]
w1 setdir _dir+90
thats the code and it seems half in the ground but it does create it in the right place and everything
but im also having trouble on being able to pick it up im using this as a script to take it
? player distance w1 <= 2 : goto "next"
player playmove "CombatToPutDown"
deletevehicle w1
player playmove "Crouch"
action1 = false
player addaction ["Place sandbag wall", "fence.sqs"]
the player just doesn do anything when he should bend down and it should delete the fence or is it wrong using deletevehicle also he doesnt bend down so theres something wrong there
EDIT - I think ive done it just need to test