1.) I need to simulate someone running with a camera on their shoulder. I've tried this before when I was a noob camera man and only got a bunch of jerky angled moving shots.
The ofp guy isn't actually there, the camera man is never seen as he is carrying the camera and its in the nature of the intro (plus its easier on me, no stupid person to guide about with WPs ;D).
So how do I simulate a little up and down jostle while moving in a straight direction?
I have an idea of modding the Z coords through a loop of something, but I have never done any loops or much "reg" scripting in cam scripting.
2.) My camera man after running a bit, his reporter will have died, so he runs away...
Anyways, he runs and gets blasted off by a shell or nade or something. And I want the camera to fly about. I'm asking which is more realistic and doable.
a.) The camera flies off his shoulder and arcs up into the air while the view looks down then eventually backwards.
. .
. .
. ... start pos <---- arc
b.) Some other form of falling, maybe use the pitch and bank to make a rolling cam that shakes and have it fly into the air or something. I would need ideas here.
Thanks for your assistance