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Author Topic: BHD-movie like RPG's  (Read 2783 times)

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Offline Roni

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Re:BHD-movie like RPG's
« Reply #15 on: 20 Jun 2005, 10:31:03 »
Hi All

Glad to see the script is being well received.

FWIW - I tried various values for the height velocity, the best compromise seemed to be the one posted (+2 at start, falling by an amount proportional to the sum of elapsed time).  The problem is that the AI loons are applying the perfect aim offset for a shot that is SUPPOSED to behave in a certain way, but ends up with the screwy velocity that the script causes.

They're aiming all right but the script is confusing them !

A perfect (if complex) solution is to find out what the loon is shooting at adjust the arc accordingly.  The problem is finding out what the loons intended target is.

One way to do this would be to camCreate some sort of bullet type object at the same point and facing the same direction as the LAW, with a perfectly flat trajectory.  You then put a "hit" EH on all armoured targets so that if they get hit by this object then they flash their location via a public variable.  The path of the following LAW is then adjusted to arc up and down on to this spot.

The above solution would work, but depends on all of the potential targets having the appropriate EH's on them - not preferable.

A much simpler solution would be to simply adjust the arc to drop the fired rocket on to a point (say) 100m form the firer, then just try to arrange all targets to keep within that range.  Not easy but for simple battles it could be arranged with the appropriate triggers, waypoints etc.

Cheers All
