_where=_this select 0
_flare = "Flare" Camcreate getpos _where
_flare setpos getpos _where
?(_i>100): goto "start"
goto "loop"
Basicly creates a flare, setpos's it every 0.2 of a second, if it's been there for 0.2*100, make a new one (Play with this value, 100 gives the flare a life-time of 20 seconds, change it to the life of the a flare, so when it is about to burn out, a new flare it made)
called on object, [this] exec "script.sqs", such as a gamelogic
if you want the light at 2m,
this setpos [getpos this select 0, getpos this select 1, 2]; [this] exec "script.sqs"
- Ben