I had West black-ops( silencers) creep up on a town with east gaurding and this flaring script work well. trigger set to east detect. activation: [Sentry1] exec flaring.sqs. Thobson
and/or Bedges helped with it. Sorry guys been awhile.
One of my scripts for east (ak74) sentry but could be used for west m203
;Flaring Script removing grenades
_unit= _this select 0
_unit removemagazines "grenadelauncher"
_count = 1
;loop adding flares and time
_unit addmagazine "flare"
_unit fire ["grenadesmuzzle", "flare","flare"]
_count = _count + 1
;the delay flare
;this is number of flares of sentry
?(_count==16):goto "end"
goto "looP"
Hope this helps a bit