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Author Topic: Addon Depot Submission Guidelines (draft)  (Read 1982 times)

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Addon Depot Submission Guidelines (draft)
« on: 21 Sep 2002, 18:50:23 »
Once the new Addon Depot pages are back up and running, use of the Editing Center Author Tag in your addons will be required in order for them to be hosted by the OFPEC. The Author Tags when used properly will prevent conflicts between your addons and other people's (including BIS!)

Why Bother with Tagging?

Here's the problem, say Bob makes a custom M16 and for it's class name he uses "M16A1".. the weapon works great on his system so he makes it available for download. Just suppose someone else (Jim) decides that making a M16A1 would be a great idea, they make one and also call it "M16A1", they also release the weapon for downloading. If someone downloads both these addons and installs them, then there will be a conflict between the two addons due to the identical names. One or maybe both addons will behave differently.

The idea of an Author Tag is to make it very unlikely that there will be identical names.
Jim's would be named JIMM16A1 and Bob's BOBM16A1.

This applies to not only the class names but also the PBO file and the P3D file (and the WRP file for you advanced editors!)

1- Register your unique 3 digit author Tag here:http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com/addons/input_tag.asp

2- The TAG should be used on the following:
  All classes that you add
  PBO name
  P3D filename

Example #1

class STTRanger: SoldierWB
           displayName="STT Ranger"; <---this is optional displayName="Ranger"; would stil be valid

this would use STTRangers.PBO and STTRanger.P3D files

another example for a more complicated cpp.

Example #2

class CfgAmmo
   class Default {};
   class BulletSingle : Default {};
   class BulletBurst: BulletSingle {};
   class KozliceShell : BulletBurst {};
   class STTRemShell: KozliceShell
class CfgWeapons
   class Default   {};
   class MGun: Default {};
   class Riffle: MGun {};
   class KozliceShell: Riffle {};
   class STTRemShell:KozliceShell
      ammo = STTRemShell;
   class Kozlice {};
   class STTRemington: Kozlice
      displayName = "STTRemington";
      muzzles[] = {STTRemingtonShellMuzzle};
      class STTRemingtonShellMuzzle : STTRemShell
         magazines[] = {STTRemShell};
class CfgNonAIVehicles
   class ProxyWeapon {};
   class ProxySTTRemington: ProxyWeapon {};

This is stored in STTDelta.PBO and uses the STTRemington.P3D

I've cut out the lines that don't need a tag to make it easier to read.

As you can see I have used the STT tag all the way through the class names. I even use the Tag for the paa/pac and wav files that I have inside the addon folder (this just makes it easier to see what files I have altered- not necessary to avoid conflicts)

Use of the tag for the p3d file is important due to the the cfgmodels line in the cpp (which uses the p3d name) - possible conflicts need to be removed here.


Rules regarding custom model's lods, face counts and textureing will be posted soon.

These are draft rules, if you have any comments please post here.


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Re:Addon Depot Submission Guidelines (draft)
« Reply #1 on: 21 Sep 2002, 19:47:30 »
Sounds good.

Is there a new page to register an author tag...the one in the post does not work.



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Re:Addon Depot Submission Guidelines (draft)
« Reply #2 on: 08 Nov 2002, 19:23:05 »

Offline Planck

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Re:Addon Depot Submission Guidelines (draft)
« Reply #3 on: 28 May 2005, 16:07:16 »
These guidlines are now a little out of date.

To see more recent guidlines visit the Addons Depot.


I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.