Suppose i have 4 seperate soldiers (sol1,sol2,sol3 and sol4) in a base and they are patrolling all in different directions. How do I group these 4 soldiers together and execute a script that applies to those 4 soldiers? It's kinda ridiculous to make a script for each one of them!
(e.g. when a Stalin dies those 4 soldiers have to run to the North, I place a trigger with the condition "not (alive Stalin)" and in the "on activation" field I want a script that gives a command to those 4 soldiers. Note that those soldiers arent in the same group).
I've looked in the faq and read some tutorials (btw are you all like computer-wizards or what?) but pls explain to me in simple childish
English. And if you can advice me a certain tutorial , dont hesitate.
And is there a way to find the coordinates of a certain spot on the map in the Editor? So i can tell my soldiers GoTo (145788,155774,66888)?