I have used the scripting ( Hint Format ["%1",getpos Player] ) to get my Cords by radio, and then I went to the House I wanted my guy to walk in to and made a set of Cords in straight lines. Example: _unit = _this select 0
_unit Move [9324.71,9407.17,-3.21482]
_unit Move [9328.82,9405.7,-2.98426]
_unit Move [9325.75,9398.99,-2.98003]
etc... But when I test it, the guy to be walking will not enter the structure, I know my Cords system works because if the house is not there he will move to the points no problem. Maybe there is a way to make the AI 'ignor' the walls and walk the path I give him? The path is straight from the front door to the center of the next opening to walk straight to the next opening and so on. Any Ideas?