Hi Number Man
Check out a file in your OFP BIN folder called stringtable.csv. This is actually a simple Excel file that contains a summary of all of the things that you see and here in the game.
The OFP engine doesn't actually tell itself to print "You are Dead" when you die. Instead, it tells itself to print STR_MISSION_KILLED. The engine then checks your default language and looks up the apporopriate output in the above file. If your language is English then the output is "You are Dead". If it is German then you get "Sie sind tot.", Spanish "Ha muerto." etc.
Although it's easy to do, I haven't got around to stuffing around with this file yet as I am not sure how it affects MP play. I don't think that it should make any difference though - all this file does is change how YOU see things, not anyone else.
I'm sure that if I play on line with someone in Spain then his OFP will say "Ha muerto", whereas mine will say "You are dead" - no problems. Also, I don't think that there is much opportunity for cheating if your version of OFP says "Idiot, get in the damned car" rather than something else !
Try saving a copy of this file to someplace safe, then changing any or all of the entries in the English column (column 2). There are over 2500 entries so you will have do a bit of research to find the ones you want.
(FWIW - STR_MISSION_KILLED is item number 445.)
PS - "You are Dayed. D-A-Y-E-D - Dayed !