I was playing around on the editor the other day, and thought: "How cool would it be if I made a mission were the more stuff you blow up, or the more times you are spotted by enemy units, the more stuff comes looking for you?"
While having only basic ideas about scripting, i suppose that every time you are spotted, a num,ber is added to a variable, and depending upon the size of the number in that variable, more stuff would come looking for you.
It could start with a small patrol, followed by a large patrol, a couple of trucks, then an APC, then a tank, than a bigger tank, then some choppers, then everything, or something like that.
Also, if your not spotted for a while, the value in the variable will decrease, so less stuff is looking for you.
Very good for stealth missions were you have to keep out of site untill crunch time. Then you have to hit hard and fast before dissapearing again, lest you be attacked by a tank company.
If anyone can make this happen, hell it would be awsome!