I've started working on a conept, principally for use with WGL Mod, but I suppose it's the idea I'm most interested in pitching here. Let me just say, I'm a big fan of objective-based missions.
The mission is well-armed SF v. poorly-armed FIA on Malden (at Chapoi in the current incarnation).
The principal objective of SF is to preserve the lives of a group of civilians, who have hidden themselves around the buildings of the town, until a helo-extract can be arranged.
The principal objective of FIA is to prevent extraction of the civilians by eliminating them.
The extraction will occur at a relatively random time at a spot designated by SF leader. Once all living civilians are away, the mission will end.
Since I expect a mixed score, i.e. partial objectives by both sides, I have developed a scoring system that will handle partial objectives being met, so there will never be a doubt for score junkies about who wins.
There's some other little features I'm trying to work out for greater flexibility by PLAYERS. Any thoughts on the concept?