Yo dudes, i am crap at mission making so i wanna give an idea i have in mind.
Why dont someone create a battleship type mission for MP or SP.
Bascally, what coukd happen is that you set where your unt wants to go and th AI units wil be placed randomly, then you select what unit u want to fire first, then when it is your turn, you open the map and click on a place on the map where you think the enemy is.
If the missile hits any enemies, there should be a marker placed exactly in the position that enemy was hit. If the player misses the enemy, there should be a different coloured marker in place where your missile hit.
If anyone makes this, i'd recommend having more than 7 units to be placed on your side s maps can be VERY latge unless someone creats a special map or it.
Sounds good eh?