I have a problem with AI sniper. I mean I can't make him shoot at enemy units
I can get the default OFP sniper to engage at about 900 meters on the Desert Island and 600m on Nogova.
I can post an example mission, but it's easy enough to test yourself. Just place a sniper on the map, with an enemy group moving towards it, at about 1000m. Name the enemy commander E1 and set the snipers skill level to max. In the snipers init field add:
This DoWatch E1
The sniper will start to think about firing as soon as he identifies units as hostile, the trick is to give him this info as soon as possible. Which the DoWatch command does.
Like I say, on Nogova he will open up at around 600M. I think OFP tries to simulate different terrain types for the AI. As players we just see flat textured terrain, it's almost as easy to see AI in grass as it is, when they are out in the open on the road or beach e.t.c
But the AI must have rules setup for it, try engaging AI while standing in the middle of the road, as opposed to standing in a bush. If your targets are moving through woods, bushes, e.t.c it will take a bit longer for the AI to kick in. Obviously stance will have an effect and movement to. Teleport a unit in front of the enemy and the AI wont see him, move and they suddenly start to react.
I was working on an updata of my fixedpositions script a few weeks ago and i've found that AI fight better without dowatch and dotarget stuff, but they can use some scripted help when the enemy is near.
Yeah but OFP's AI has to be all things to all soldiers, if you want dedicated long range units like snipers, you have to use DoWatch. The best you can do is give him some close support.
Maybe he doesn't see you because he's watching through his scope all the time?
Binoculars are the only optics that appear to have an effect on the AI. Snipers scopes are just eye candy for as far as the AI is concerned. Sniper units just have enhanced eye sight, what weapon they carry has no effect on spotting infantry.
And I don't know why they are watching through their scopes all the time. They should scan horizon using binoculars I gave them.
I have no idea why they don't use the binoc, normally when you give them one, they will use it, even without commands like unitname selectweapon "binocular"
Whats normal? AI only use Binoculars periodically, cant remember now but for arguments sake, say every 30 seconds. The Scan horizon command just gets the AI to rotate 360 degrees constantly. So combined together they must cover a tiny area of the front line with binoculars?
You can greatly improve the ability of dedicated AI when it comes to spotting enemy at long ranges, in the all the ways you mentioned above. But wait for it.......You have to use addons
That's where all the important settings are for the AI when it comes to long range fire and Binoculars.
I've had big trouble with AI snipers in the past as well. I don't know if there is a whole lot you can do. I believe the problem lies in the configuration of the units and/or weapons themselves. I don't think the weapons are configured to be shot by the AI past about 200m or so, and the units don't seemed to be configured to see beyond that range either...
Cant speak for all other addons but the default OFP sniper rifles will fire at ranges of 900 meters given the right conditions. Inv 1944 snipers wont, but that's probably down to the weapons config. SEBNAM snipers have the best range I've seen under normal conditions, 800 meters on Malden.