Sgt Zeke, we're all looking forward to testing your mission when its ready.
Intros are easy once you get the hang of it - hey, if I can manage it, so can you.
Setting up the scene is really just the same as ordinary mission creation stuff. If you want to transfer something (a base, say) from the mission to the intro you can select the whole base (drag a box round it) and use copy and paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V). After that its simply a matter of getting the camera sorted out. You can try experimenting with the Effects button in a trigger, but ultimately you get better results using scripts.
If the tutorials seem a little confusing try downloading some other people's missions and have a look at how they have done it. (You will need to get a de-pbo utility to unpack the .pbo into its constituent parts.) You can also search the FAQ. If you can manage napalm strikes and traps 8)then, with a bit of persistance, you can manage Intros.
If all else fails post a question in the forums. Make sure you get the right one, it might be Cutscenes and sounds. We can't really help you unless you give us a specific question to answer. This forum is not the best place to ask for help.
However, if you want you are very welcome to post your mission here without the intro - read the sticky at the top of the forum for more advice on how to post.
Good luck :thumbsup:
Oh allright then. Create an intro with a player unit and something which you have named object1. In the init line of the player put
[] exec "intro.sqs"
Now create a text file, call it intro.sqs and put it in the same directory as your mission.sqm. Into the file put this lot
_cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]
_cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]
_cam camsettarget object1
_cam camsetrelpos [1,3,2]
_cam camcommit 0
@camcommitted _cam
_cam camsettarget object1
_cam camsetrelpos [5,-5,2]
_cam camcommit 6
@camcommitted _cam
_cam cameraeffect ["terminate", "back"]
camdestroy _cam
Now Preview the Intro. Voila! Look at the tutorials again to see what it all means and how you can change it to suit you.