Alternative you can use the skill level of the GL to mark it as current waypoint.
You need a trigger that "scriptmoves" to the new distination of your jeep so that when your jeep arrives he trigger the same script once again. The script then finds the next waypoint, gives move commando to your jeep and relocates the trigger. That way you can make your jeep follow your GL path for infinity.
I got a script that moves a boat along a virtual path created by GL's only. Please excuse me for not making it fit this forum so some lines may splitup.
;** Title : zMoveUnit
;** Function : Move _zVehicle along a path created by an array of GameLogics _zLogic.
;** Parameters : _zVehicle - Object of Vehicle
;** : _zLogic - Array of GameLogics preferable initialized in Init.sqs
;** Requirements: A virtual path created by GameLogics all with skill level set to zero.
;** A repeatedly 50x50 trigger named distination triggering this script on activation.
;** A vehicle object.
;** A predefined array of the same GameLogics defined in the init file ..
;** _zLogics=["GL1","GL2"..]
;** Created by Henrik Malmvig @ 21ST VIKING BATTALION (
?!(local Server) : exit
PRIVATE ["_zDist","_zCount","_zCounter","_zVehicle","_zLogic","_zMove"];
PRIVATE ["_zX","_zY","_zRa","_zRy","_zRz","_zL","_zM","_zFire"];
_zVehicle = _this SELECT 0;
_zLogic = _this SELECT 1;
_zCounter = 0;
_zCount = count _zLogic;
distination SETPOS [0,0,0];
?(_zCounter >= _zCount) : GOTO "ExitFind";
_zMove = _zLogic SELECT _zCounter;
?((Skill _zMove) == 1): GOTO "ExitFind";
;*** we uses skill to mark current wp ***
_zCounter = _zCounter + 1;
GOTO "FindCurrentWP"
_zMove setSkill 0;
?(_zCounter < _zCount): GOTO "NotEOA";
_zMove = _zLogic SELECT _zCount;
_zMove setSkill 0;
_zMove = _zLogic SELECT 0;
distination SETPOS [GETPOS _zMove SELECT 0, GETPOS _zMove SELECT 1, 0];
_zVehicle MOVE GETPOS _zMove;
_zMove = _zLogic SELECT 1;
_zMove setSkill 1;
_zVehicle MOVE GETPOS _zMove;
distination SETPOS [GETPOS _zMove SELECT 0, GETPOS _zMove SELECT 1, 0];
?(_zCounter > (_zCount - 1)): GOTO "ExitScript"
_zCounter = _zCounter + 1;
_zMove = _zLogic SELECT _zCounter;
_zMove setSkill 1;