scenario -
there are several targets. each has a trigger next to it which activates when the target is destroyed. on activation, each sets a switch variable to true, and moves a 'search and destroy waypoint' to the destroyed target's position.
there is a chopper with patrol waypoints allocated. it follows these and cycles no problem. after the patrol 'cycle' waypoint, there is the 'search and destroy waypoint'. that cycle waypoint is synchronised with a switch trigger which activates when the switch variable is true.
with me so far? m'kay.
the problem: when any of the targets is destroyed, the chopper halts. it just stops. i had thought this was merely a pause as the ai calculated its flight path, but no. i've left it long enough and it ain't moving.
the waypoint reference id is correct (one more than the editor number, i.e. where chopper starts is waypoint #0, first editor-placed waypoint is #1 and so on) but nothing is budging it.
any ideas?