Ok, so I've done some editing in the past, and I've decided to get back into it. I'm using GOTY edition, no mods (yet), 1.96.
What I'm running into is that I cannot seem to add ammo to a unit. I'm trying to add, say, grenades to a heavy grenadier, or Stingers to an AA guy, or (on the other end of the scale) switch weapons on a regular trooper so that he has an MP-5 instead of an M16.
It isn't working. I can get the weapon added, but no matter what I try to do, I cannot get the ammo to show up. I've tried every tutorial I could find, experimented quite a bit, and still had no luck.
Below are some examples of what I'm doing;
MP-5 guy
Here I'm just trying to strip away all weapons on a unit in the editor and replace them with a single MP-5 and 5 mags
Into the Init field I put;
this removeWeapon "m16"; this removeMagazines "m16"; this removeMagazines "handgrenade"; this AddMagazineCargo ["HK", 5]; this addweapon "HK";
Stinger Guy
I'm just trying to give him one or 2 more ammo (2 examples).
Example 1: this addmagazine "AALauncher"
Example 2: this addmagazineCargo ["AALauncher",2];
Heavy Grenadier
I'm trying to give him another 'bandolier'.
Example: this addmagazinecargo ["grenadelauncher",3]
In all cases the weapon was added (or present), but no ammo or reloads were added. I checked with the normal 'change/reload mag' command and with the 'enter' command list.
This is maddening. All of the tuts that I've checked have listed examples and snippets (usually only 1 each, sometimes glaringly wrong), and I've tried all of them and every variation I can think of. I'm stumped. I have an axe.
So, if anyone can sort this relatively simple problem out, I would be quite delighted.
(final note; the strings I've included are direct copies of the originals, not edited to be examples, just a straight cut'n'paste. I've tried variations without the brackets, and those failed with various error messages)