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Author Topic: White box with grey arrow pierce my heli!! HELP!!  (Read 2203 times)

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White box with grey arrow pierce my heli!! HELP!!
« on: 06 Oct 2002, 00:03:47 »

Im building an heli and its almost finnished. So after the modelling and texturing was done, I wanted to test my heli in-game. I had worked on the model for some hours and didnt wanted to begin the config-file editing yet, so I decided to make it a static first, just to see how it looks ingame. So, here is my config file:

class CfgPatches
   class BRSSEB_R44
      units[] = {BRSSEB_R44};
      weapons[] = {};
      requiredVersion = 1.75;
class CfgVehicles
   class All {};
   class Static: All {};
   class Building: Static {};
   class NonStrategic: Building {};
   class TargetTraining: NonStrategic {};
   class TargetGrenade: TargetTraining {};
   class BRSSEB_R44: TargetGrenade
      displayName="R44 Raven";


Simple stuff. Almost the same used in my crate-tutorial. But here is what happens ingame:


Some white frame with an grey arrow in it surrounds the model! WHY?? Someone?
« Last Edit: 06 Oct 2002, 17:10:55 by brsseb »


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Re:White box with grey arrow pierce my heli!! HELP!!
« Reply #1 on: 06 Oct 2002, 04:22:02 »
It happened to my helicopter too.

I dont know much about modelling but I think its something to do with the different LODs. Eg: View-Geometry, Fire-Geometry...

I think because its been modelled as a controllable/moving object not a static object that causes the square white frames arround it.

But I still have no idea how to fix it...


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Re:White box with grey arrow pierce my heli!! HELP!!
« Reply #2 on: 06 Oct 2002, 07:33:18 »
you are using a proxy in your LODs that doesn't exist, plus you didn't declare your model with the cfgModels class. WHen this happens, the game doesn't know what to display so it shows a generic proxy box.


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Re:White box with grey arrow pierce my heli!! HELP!!
« Reply #3 on: 06 Oct 2002, 17:24:09 »
Well, okay. The prozy names are right, i know that for sure. But I guess that those white boxes occur because the lack of a cfgModel class. So anyway, no Im ready to test my model with a real config file. So I made this one:

// R44 by BCS.
class CfgPatches

   class BRSSEB_R44
      units[] = {BRSSEB_R44};
      weapons[] = {};
      requiredVersion = 1.3;

class CfgModels
   class default {};
   class Air: default {};
   class Helicopter: Air {};
   class BRSSEB_R44: Helicopter {};

class CfgVehicles
   class All{};
   class AllVehicles:All{};
   class Air: AllVehicles{};
   class Helicopter: Air{};
   class BRSSEB_R44: Helicopter
      displayName="Robinson 44 Raven";

      typicalCargo[]={Soldier, Soldier};
      driverAction = ManActUH60Pilot;

Well, it looked good and I cant fint anything wrong with it (and neither can OFP when its loading..no error or anything). THE DAMN THING JUST WONT SHOW UP ON THE LIST IN THE EDITOR!! IT ISNT THERE! Looked all over the West-Air list and even the Empty->Air  list just to be sure! And no error whatsoever. Help please!

I assume the problems lies in the LODs in my model. But I am a little unsure whick LOD and selections are NECCESARY. I have currently:
0.000 -> The model itself, with Proxys, selections for rotors etc-

Geometry->With weighted components (0-9)

LandContact->Just three vetrices, two under the front skids and one way back in the middle, no named selections.

Memory->Rotor axes, pos driver / cargo and POV (zamerny)

Is there some I have left out that is NEEDED for the model to work?Please let me know.



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Re:White box with grey arrow pierce my heli!! HELP!!
« Reply #4 on: 06 Oct 2002, 18:43:13 »
It still won't work. the name to use in cfgModels needs to be the name of the model file, not the name of the vehicle class you make.


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Re:White box with grey arrow pierce my heli!! HELP!!
« Reply #5 on: 06 Oct 2002, 18:45:35 »
Oh and it won't show up because you inherited from the basic helicopter class, which is protected (scope = 1) and has no declared class type for the editor. Check out the UH-60 and see all the things they put into it. i recommend you inherit from the UH-60 and not the helicopter. You still have alot to fill in your config file the way you set it up.


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Re:White box with grey arrow pierce my heli!! HELP!!
« Reply #6 on: 06 Oct 2002, 19:59:37 »

Guess I have to dig up my old C++ book and go over classes again. My ObjectOriented programming skills are a bit rusty, it seems. :)


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Re:White box with grey arrow pierce my heli!! HELP!!
« Reply #7 on: 06 Oct 2002, 20:32:27 »
Hmmm, well I thought I`ve got it right (more right, at least.. )this time, but It still wont work:

// R44 by BCS.

class CfgPatches

   class BRSSEB_R44
      units[] = {BRSSEB_R44};
      weapons[] = {};
      requiredVersion = 1.3;

class CfgModels
   class default {};
   class Air: default {};
   class Helicopter: Air {};
   class R44: Helicopter {};

class CfgVehicles
   class All{};
   class AllVehicles:All{};
   class Air: AllVehicles{};
   class Helicopter: Air{};
   class UH60: Helicopter{};   

   class BRSSEB_R44: UH60   
      displayName="Robinson 44 Raven";

      typicalCargo[]={Soldier, Soldier};
      driverAction = ManActUH60Pilot;


Ive changed the name in the CfgModel class like you said and inherited from the UH60 class instead of just helicopter. That way I assume that I`ll get standard values for all the stuff I dont mention in the main BRSSEB_R44 class. Still nothing in OFP. Whats missing?

I have seen a strange and crazy class called cfgMovesMC. I hope that that isnt a nessecary class. Remeber that Im making a simple heli, no guns or anything (for the moment).

Yes, one more thing, I have 1 seat for the pilot and 3 for cargo. (1x proxy:uh60pilot.01 and 3x proxy:cargo.01). Should the "transportSoldier"-attribute read 3 or 4 then? It its 3 then the "typical cargo" should be {Soldier, Soldier, Soldier}...


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Re:White box with grey arrow pierce my heli!! HELP!!
« Reply #8 on: 07 Oct 2002, 05:57:19 »
if you did not make declarations at beginning of your config, you can't use the public shortcut. Use 2 in place of public and try again.

Other than that it looks fine.
« Last Edit: 07 Oct 2002, 06:00:18 by paloma »


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Re:White box with grey arrow pierce my heli!! HELP!!
« Reply #9 on: 07 Oct 2002, 14:24:45 »

Well, it works now. Hehe, to a certan degree at least. Some more modelling work to go.. Some questions, though:

#1: When making glass for the windows, i guess I put a transparent texture on the window structure, right? But will the soldier AI be able to see through it? Like the pilot spotting things, targets etc? Ive heard some rumours called occlude-function in o2...?

#2: And yes, (LOL again), when I was testing it, I were about to enter the chopper with a soldier and ran towards it. I ran into the side of the chopper without stopping and the whole 600kg chopper (test wheight..) was trown several meters as a result of the impact. Is there something wrong with my gemetryLOD?

#3: And a thing Ive allways wondered about, that does the class attribute "accuracy" do? Its 0.08 on my model, dunno why, just nicked the value from another heli addon. Its used in all addons, it seems, cars too. What does it do?
« Last Edit: 07 Oct 2002, 14:54:11 by brsseb »

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Re:White box with grey arrow pierce my heli!! HELP!!
« Reply #10 on: 08 Oct 2002, 04:00:57 »
I use the standard BIS window textures and the AI don't have problems looking through them.

Hard to say if there is anythign wrong with the geo lod, just make sure you use the component convex hull function on it. Also make a fire geo, land contact lod too.

Accuracy is how easily the object is identified by AI, it also seems to have an effect on whether gunners will shoot at it.



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Re:White box with grey arrow pierce my heli!! HELP!!
« Reply #11 on: 10 Oct 2002, 13:52:19 »
Ok, made Fire and LandContact LOD and now then I run to enter the chopper, it is rock solid (it doesnt fly up in the air like before).

But thats only for the pilot! Once Im in, and another player-controlled man tries to board the thins, it is as jumpy and unsteady as before. Now THATs strange.

Also, when I look at the chopper from outside, objects behind the chopper (threes, signs, etc) disapears or flickers.  

Yeah, and that does that Convex-function that everyone is talking about actually do? (havent used it so far)