I have a short static cutscene with some music playing on the background, during the cutscene a dialog shows up with a menu where the player can select his role in the mission.
A jukebox script runs and when the player has made his decision the camera is destroyed, the dialog closes and the music should fade out... but it doesn't...
Here is that jukebox script
_songs = ["Seigline","Lilli_Marlene"]
0 fadesound 1
_c = count _songs
_totaltime = 0
_r = random count _songs
_r = _r - _r % 1
_song = _songs select _r
?_song == "Seigline" : _totaltime = 165
?_song == "Lilli_Marlene" : _totaltime = 215
_songs = _songs - [_song]
_t = 0
playmusic _song
?situation != -1 : goto "fadeout"
_t = _t + 1
?_t < _totaltime : goto "p"
?count _songs == 0 : goto "START"
goto "randomise"
hint "ok"
5 fadesound 0
5 fadesound 1
enableradio false
When the player has made his decision the variable situation is equal to 1 so the script should jump to label #fadeout and it does because I see the "ok" hint. The only thing that doesn't work is the fade out.