Hi guys just have a newbish question:
I have seen in some missions where the author uses the time skip command that the player stays in the same place but when he comes back there is a lot of objects added and stuff removed and may be some more units added or at least just change their behavior. I would really like to know how is this done, is there a trick behind that or there is a script involved, if anybody knows a tutorial about this whole matter I would be thankful.
Side note: I am making a mission using the new MI-26 and CBT stuff and scutchy's marines, But I couldn't find something to use instead of the BIS bmp-1, with all those stuff around, it kind of look misplaced
. Any idea on a good BMP-1 addon (but not in big mods like FDF) or any good soviet apc that can be loaded with 8 or more soldiers without making them sit on the outside hull !!! (I know it looks nice but it just doesn't fit with my mission scenario ;D)