Okay, here are some thoughts for what's required.
15-20 named game logics or triggers for each origin/destination town on the map.
6 (?) players, starting at a random town
1 starting trabbie taxi for each starting player.
Some cycling AI taxis.
Some mingling civvies for the major towns, or perhaps one group for each player, automatically placed to their nearest town.
A box load of AI "resource" dudes, each with an associated sale or rent addaction - eg Buy Pistol, Buy Sniper Weapon, Hire Goon, Rent Jeep etc.
A couple of well stocked and well armed bases with local move and patrol cycles Time dilation script(Already written !) A script to make each day pass in (say) 15 minutes. Time dilation is determined by and passed to client machines by server so players always in sync.
A Dispatch scriptThis will run continuously, spawning a fare paying customer every 30 seconds or so. Simple to write, it will simply exec a new script and send it the fares origin, destination, group size (1-3 passengers) and priority.
A Local Fare scriptSame as above, but will work only when the player is in town and next to the town trigger or game logic. All fares here will be local (ie from this town to a nearby town) and low priority (ie low tip).
The Customer Spawn scriptCalled via either of the above scripts.
This will take the randomly assigned fare origin, destination group size and priority inputs and use these to camCreate or createUnit the requisite number of civvies with one or more associated addactions ie Pick Up, Drop Off, Dump etc.
This script will also determine the relevant cab fare (fixed) and tip, which will depend upon priority and time to expiry. For example - a very high priority fare will have a very high tip, but this will decay very quickly, much faster than a normal fare. A low priority fare will have a low tip, but will decay very, very slowly.
Once a fares tip goes below zero (or some negative amount) the script will deleteVehicle all its waiting passengers and close down.
Pick Up, Drop Off, Dump scriptsSee above.
Civvie mingle script(Already written !) Creates semi random movements among civvies groups. Civvies will doMove to a random nearby building or the location of another civvies, centred on Waypoint position. Every so often WP pos moves a bit to shake things up.
Some custom "Buy" scriptsVery easy to implement. Simply an addaction on an appropriately styled civvie (gun runners always wear shades ? goons for hire always wear leather jackets ?), eg "Buy Revolver" etc. Script reduces players cash (if he ahs enough) and equips player with item.
Each seller will have (say) three items for sale - cheap and nasty, average, and excellent (eg AK47/Steyr/M24, Grenade/Mine/Satchel charge, Trabbie/Sports Car/Hummer etc). Sellers won't actually "have" the items until the player uses the action so players won't be able to roll sellers for their guns . . . ;D
Hire GoonsPer the above. Creates new units in players group. Units suck cash from player every day until let go (via radio call or addaction tied to a designated spot, eg pub in major town) or player out of cash.
Player bankruptcy will make player renegade - ie subject to attack by ALL units on map. Player may shoot own units before this happens but a few too many such shootings may make him renegade anyway ! :gunman: :noo:
Release GoonsSee above.
Fuel burn/fuel monitor/repair monitor scriptScript will continuously check vehicles velocity and reduce fuel by a set amount - sprints burn more fuel, slow crawls burn much less.
Script will also monitor vehicle fuel and damage levels, if fuel goes UP or damage goes DOWN then player must be refuelling or repairing - cash will be extracted accordingly.
Jerry can scriptSimple addaction - use to give vehicle a quarter tank of gas. Use once and addaction deletes itself. Can be refilled as an addaction at fuel depots.
Refill Jerry can scriptSee above. Addaction at fuel depot reassigns addaction to vehicle. Reduces players cash accordingly
Pack it In scriptRun at start as well as any other time player chooses via personal addaction. Equips player with standard starting kit - car, full tank of gas, $500 cash and a debt of $2,000.
Debt goes up each day, cash can be used to repay via an addaction next to a bank (?). Once debt goes above deemed level (dependant upon group size/assets available?) player Packed In automatically. :tomato:
Repay DebtSee above. Addaction on Bank building in all large towns.
Check cash/debt/fame/notoriety balancesRadio called script(s). Simple player side chat displays of current balances.
Repair Car script
Upgrade car script
Trade up car scriptAddactions tied to car yard. Will repair, upgrade or trade in car for better model. Fixed trade in and upgrade progression or player choice (?).
Some sort of scoring scriptMust keep track of fame as well as notoriety - players should be able to become famous for running a good business (lots of assets, fastest fares, biggest tips etc) or killing everything in sight. Notoriety should be winnable from opponents (ie kill the Road Warrior and become known as the Man Who Shot Liberty's Valiant)
That's about all for now. A lot of scripts but most should be simple to implement and write. I won't ask for volunteers you all know how to contact me . . .
cheers all