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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] Red Tide  (Read 33800 times)

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Offline Fragorl

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #135 on: 11 May 2005, 00:39:05 »
Just read the 'beta news' post. If you still need it, I'd love to test the new version. With any luck, I will get to it tonight.

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #136 on: 11 May 2005, 02:27:40 »

both of us
Darn, I was afraid of a complex answer like that :P

If you still need it, I'd love to test the new version.
Feel free to test the mission.  I'll welcome comments from anybody.

Sir Test-A-Lot

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #137 on: 11 May 2005, 16:51:06 »
Flashpoint v. 1.96
FlashFX and SANCANIM mods running
Cheat savegames

Downloaded fine, blah blah


Good picture. I like the "Everon Flag". Good summary.


First of all, on a personal note, I was pleased as punch that the Intro actually ran because of some OFP problems I've been having.

Second, the red text was fan-f'n-tastic. I've never encountered it before in a mission. It adds so much. Compared with this, that white s**t is just as ho-hum as can be.

Third, I thought all the camera work was excellent.
I could see the  Russian camp was the base south of Levie on Everon, not Kolgujev, but some people won't and that doesn't matter anyway because I realize Kolgujev looks nothing like Everon and the Intro has to be on Everon, so forget I mentioned it.

I can only think of two small faults. The final line "You are the commander of the central invasion group" is a bit anti-climactic. I mean, the phrase "central invasion group" just isn't that….well, powerful or ‘charged' I guess. It just left me thinking, "Oh, hmm, the central invasion group, well I guess that's nice." What I mean is, maybe consider changing it to "The spearhead" or "The central assault", something with more muscle.

Also, I noticed that the Everon Army dudes where just standing alert with guns drawn by the sandbags. Why? Do they know the attack is coming? Does Everon suspect war is imminent? Why else would they have any soldiers out and about?


Great briefing. All necessary information. I like how you explained why I don't have any air cover. Thoughtful. Not much else to say except that it looks very good.


OK I'm going to keep the "story" part of this review short.
Was about to attack base when it occurred to me that perhaps it would be better to attack Entre Deux since there are no towns/bases north of it from which I might be flanked. Left for Entre Deux.

Positioned myself on the hill just above the town. Killed a T55 and M113. Slaughtered two squads as they crested the hill. Waited for some outlying patrols to come running and killed them too. Went down into town, got shot in the shoulders or something. Killed some guys….got killed a couple of times by guy who shot me through the MASH tent. Was really pissing me off.

My guys are fighting them outside of town. I'm trapped in a house, with no ammo. An enemy guy walks in and spots me. I crawl up to his legs so he can't get me. It looks like I'm begging for mercy. I push him out of the door and grab a gun and waste him. God that felt so good. I emptied a whole clip into his body. It was therapeutic. This turned out to be a big battle- I think a lot of patrols came in from the countryside to fight- I saw a lot of guys with flags.

Comment: the aforementioned was really hard- and fun as hell.

Entre Deux is mine. I rearm and heal; no enemies in sight. I wait but no one comes, so I head down to Chotain to scout. I have only seven guys left besides myself, but oh well.
Easily wiped out the smattering of soldiers left in Chotain. Moving on the base at last.

I'm pleased with my decision to take Entre Deux and Chotain first, because now I can hit the base from the south, where I have the terrain advantage.   
Attacked the base and annihilated them. Game over.

Final stats: Kills
2x LAW
4x Grenadier
4x Machine Gunner
23x Soldier

Mission comments: I have very little to say about this mission that isn't praise. The enemies seemed to be just the right skill level. It was hard, but in the good, not bad, way. There was no confusion about objectives, or destinations, it's very open-ended for the player and that makes for replayability. I really enjoyed it.


Good. Liked the flag shot.

Final comment: Not much wrong with it. The things that are "wrong" with it are small and really just ticky-tack stuff. I'll be keeping this on my mission roster.

Offline macguba

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #138 on: 11 May 2005, 16:57:45 »
Kolgujev looks nothing like Everon and the Intro has to be on Everon

There is nothing you can do, but its a real shame you can't put the intro on a different island.  (I know you can fake it with a minicampaign.)
Plenty of reviewed ArmA missions for you to play

Offline Pilot

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #139 on: 11 May 2005, 17:25:49 »
@Sir Test-A-Lot

Thanks for your beta-test!

I could see the  Russian camp was the base south of Levie on Everon, not Kolgujev, but some people won't and that doesn't matter anyway because I realize Kolgujev looks nothing like Everon and the Intro has to be on Everon, so forget I mentioned it.
That does bug me, but as you say, the intro has to be on Everon :-\

I can only think of two small faults. The final line "You are the commander of the central invasion group" is a bit anti-climactic. I mean, the phrase "central invasion group" just isn't that….well, powerful or ‘charged' I guess.
Huh, Mikero liked that last part :P  I would prefer to use the words, central invasion group, because those words are used in the briefing, and I think using common terminololgy helps to tie everything in.

Also, I noticed that the Everon Army dudes where just standing alert with guns drawn by the sandbags. Why? Do they know the attack is coming? Does Everon suspect war is imminent? Why else would they have any soldiers out and about?
Good point, I'll put them in safe mode

You have approached this mission a little differently from most people, and I thank you for that.  It confirms my mission works the way it should.  No matter where you attack, the groups in Entre Deux, Chotain, and the guard groups at the base will attack you, and that is what you saw when you played it.  Once those groups are dead, it is easy going.  Just the occasional M2 and a few defenders.

Thank you for your comments, they are much appreciated!

Congratulation on your promotion.  Does this mean you can lock my thread? :P

-Student Pilot

Offline macguba

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #140 on: 11 May 2005, 17:29:55 »
Lock your thread, split it up into different parts, delete mikero's posts, ban you, EVERYTHING!   Muahahhahahahahah  ;D ;D ;D
« Last Edit: 11 May 2005, 17:30:38 by macguba »
Plenty of reviewed ArmA missions for you to play

Offline Pilot

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #141 on: 11 May 2005, 18:14:02 »
I'll be sure to keep on your good side, then ;D

Offline wcrvieira

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #142 on: 11 May 2005, 19:17:31 »
Macguba will hunt you down and make your life a living hell!!!

HEHE!!  ;)
He is a nice guy... he wont hurt a fly (I guess)


Offline Mikero

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #143 on: 12 May 2005, 06:10:10 »
Macguba will hunt you down and make your life a living hell!!!

WHAT! did you get recruited too?


>Mikero liked it

So did testAlot, he was commenting on the phrase, not it's position, impact, or information content. 3 out of 5 players will hit the escape button and look again at the intro seeing that comment there. The next time thru they'll get an even richer experience of all the detail you put in.
Just say no to bugz

Offline wcrvieira

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #144 on: 12 May 2005, 19:39:45 »
Hi there!

No I wasnt recruited too...
I wasnt ever recruited I always work alone or for others that deserve as Student Pilot and Macguba...  :P (in translations i mean!)

Btw @Student Pilot
Can you send me again the files needed? But this time compress them to a zip file...  :)
The mail is (if you dunno) sub-zero_evolution_n4@hotmail.com or add me to messenger and send me by there whatever you choose for me its fine! :P

Take care you all!
And friday I am gonna play this mission...

« Last Edit: 13 May 2005, 16:24:25 by PTnbrvieira »

Offline Pilot

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #145 on: 13 May 2005, 00:19:18 »

Ok, I will resend the files

Offline Fragorl

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #146 on: 13 May 2005, 13:43:17 »
Right, beta test v1.40


Same as before. I stand by my earlier comments about the russian base in the intro, the soviet politburo in moscow still makes me uneasy, apart from that everything's fine.


I played through it a couple of times. As I said before, this one's a real exemplar of the genre, if ofp missions can be said to genres.

The first time, I did what I'd wanted to try originally, that is, circling underneath the base on the coast side, reaching the rear of the base, blowing the back fence wide open and charging the resistance from an unexpected angle, cutting them down before they had a chance to figure out where the fire was coming from.

Well, the first part of this went according to plan. I like the fact that you can take down the sentries on the dock and if you do it fast enough the base is not alerted. I did so on the third attempt, and in the process I notice that the watch-tower guards actually climb their ladders once you set the alarm off- i didn't notice that before. It's a nice touch.

After this, however, the plan went awry. I planted my satchel charge alright, but a base patrol had circled round the side of the base to the west, spotted my proned troops, opened fire and killed one or two. Cue alarm bells. I was forced to detonate my explosives prematurely, and order my units to charge in. This is where it really went wrong. The AI, instead of milling about and panicking as I had hoped they would, left the front gate in a steady stream and headed straight for my hole in the wall. Unbelievable! Sheer weight of numbers began to tell, as every 3rd or fourth enemy was getting some shots in before he was killed. Even worse, one set of reinforcements began to arrive from the top of the hill. They had the advantage of being able to see right over the entire base and fire on us in a direct line. I decided to surrender at this point.

Retry, this time I resorted to my old method of attack, which I have brought down to a fine art. I was able to kill the road patrol without alerting the main body of troops, get my men into position at my leasure, spot and designate targets, then quickly and effectively take down the first wave of defenders. I then retreated back to my favourite west-facing ridge, ready to see off the inevitable first wave of reinforcements, which I did. One casualty.

I adjusted my position slighly after this to get maximum visibility for the second lot of reinforcements. They showed up in due course and were dealt to. Finally, I was left with killing the remainder of the base defenders (could have been yet another lot of reinforcements that had arrived, i don't know). One final casualty (and nearly me too) as we approched the base - two units were hiding in a bush sniping at us.

Mission completed on entering the base.

In conclusion, this time around was quite similar to last time, with the difference that the reinforcements were a little more staggered, and one or two enemy waypoint structures were a little different to what I remember. Without dePBOing the mission, I can't be sure. From my point of view, there was only a little improvement in this version, but I may have overlooked something; keep in mind I only played it twice this time. And of course, the mission is all but completed. It's an enjoyable mission to play. Almost there, keep it up :thumbsup: :cheers:

Offline Pilot

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #147 on: 13 May 2005, 14:39:00 »
the soviet politburo in moscow still makes me uneasy
I'm sorry, I did mean to remove the "in Moscow" part, I will do that for the upcoming version.

You are correct about the waypoint structures.  In the previous version, the waypoints were all scripted.  In this version, I use guard waypoints for all but the one group from Chotain.

Thank you for the beta-test!  I am glad you enjoyed it, that is most important to me.

Offline wcrvieira

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #148 on: 14 May 2005, 14:58:23 »

I wanted to ask a thing... can any of you send me Red Tide 1.4 because I cant download from here and need to watch the dialogs to translate stringtable right...

Thanks in advance...

Take care

PS::: If the .zip is smaller than 1MB please send it to sub-zero_evolution_n4@hotmail.com

Offline Pilot

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #149 on: 14 May 2005, 15:32:36 »

I believe I sent you the files, or did you want the whole mission?