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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] Crushed  (Read 16829 times)

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #45 on: 15 Apr 2005, 07:39:59 »
Greg, it struck me that you're in deep trouble if a quality commentator like Tarados picks up on the intro.

It means all the work you did there wont be seen, noticed, by Joe Grunt.

The problem for us is our antena go into overdrive to pick up on theme, content, howto, because we expect the briefing to be not quite right, we expect something to not be explained properly, so we look for any clues we can find. We miss, (well i certainly missed) the obviousness of how UNDER done the intro was. One glance told me what I needed to know, which was dead wrong of me. Tarados got it dead right.

You need to run that camera up the soldier's underpants and a final switchback to see what he can see.

To quote Macguba, exaggerate the little things, understate the big stuff.

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Offline Fragorl

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #46 on: 15 Apr 2005, 08:34:51 »
I still can't get at the addon. What am i doing wrong ??? - the .rar file still says 'archive damaged' - and i cannot find the addon anywhere else. Most other people seem to have it, so culd someone explain? Thanks

Offline Mikero

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #47 on: 15 Apr 2005, 08:56:38 »
The only way i achieved this miracle was to go the the base website in a browser, and then manually type in the rar, and then hit refresh when it all wouldn't happen.

you can't use accellerators, that much i know.

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #48 on: 15 Apr 2005, 12:47:53 »
Thankyouthankyou mikero! It worked, although I've no idea why. Sometimes I don't understand the internet at all ???

Offline Fragorl

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #49 on: 16 Apr 2005, 12:36:49 »
Ok my turn now

Nice picture and text

Good, the briefing is functional, and accurate, and summarises the situation nicely. There is a notes section. "I can't help feeling bad about this. The mg position is so exposed to gunfire". This will later prove to be true :)

Since the title now reads 'Crushed', you might want to change the text in the intro to reflect this, unless you still mean to have 'crushed under our tracks' come up as titletext. Otherwise, a decent intro, nothing spectacular, but decent ;)

The action
The little pre-intro is probably unnecessary, but I suppose it gives a little situational placement.
We begin. So, this is what the addon is like! I can now gun, which is an improvement. Our tanks roll towards the first town, opening fire almost immediately and tearing apart a t72. My tank starts machinegunning some unseen infantry, and a moment later they pop into view. I add my gun to the tank's. A second piece of armour of some description is decimated, and by now all 6 of our machineguns are firing at once. Infantry units are snubbed out before they can unprone and flee for their lives. I almost feel I am unnecessary, but it's early days yet.
1st objective is completed without a scratch.
We move off to our left towards the next objective, Things take a turn for the worse as one of the turret gunners goes down in a hail of bullets. Our leader takes a couple of laws to the front and sides. I'm shoot at the culprits, and get some of them, but my gun keeps twitching - the main gunner accounts for most of the rest. I notice a rusky in the tower; he looks back down at me but seems disinclined to do anything. He quickly dies. One interesting consequence of the turreted mg is that the survivng enemy troops atempt to grenade us as we hurtle past. Nice effect; it makes 'em look desparate. Which they are; if this was meant to be an ambush, it was pretty ineffective. Perhaps have the ambushers start further back in the forest, where they are not immediately obvious? Either way, we clear this obsticle.
2nd objective completed, minor casualties.
We meet up with 'our infantry boys' and prepare to assault the last town. Our tank gets stuck behind some of the ground forces, which later turns out to be a blessing. The others move on up. After a short interval, fighting breaks out. Bullets flying past. Tanks firing up ahead. Our infantry clashes head on with the enemy forces. Several rpg soldiers appear on the road, but they're too busy with the infantry to bother with us. I gun them down. More battle noises coming from up front - but our tank seems to be determined to avoid even the chance of getting hit. I'm shooting at the occaisionaly soldier that pops up now and then, but am conscious that I'm not doing a hell of a lot. Further ahead, the others abrams have run into what seems to be the main body of the enemy forces, and are stopping a few rpgs. Our leader loses his main gun, and goes 'status red'. My tanks crushes a tree and suddeny the enemy is exposed to me. I'm firing non stop, don't know how much I'm hitting, but it seems that in conjunction with the main gunner, the firepower our tank can produce is quite fearsome. Unfortunately, I cannot keep up this rate of fire and, somewhere around 2 thirds of the way through the assault I run out of ammo. So I sit back and get a lovely view of my abrams going to work. Soon the heat dies down a bit, and I chance a walk outside my tank. I Manage to score a few kills on foot, as the russian soldiers are too preoccupied with the abramses and the remainder of our infantry. After a short while I judge it wise to return to my seat. A final squad hiding to the north? of lamentin is eviscerated by the M1 that's still in good repair. And the mission ends, abruptly. We've taken the town.
3rd and final objective completed, moderate casualties, one abrams disabled, 2 crew deaths. And a whole heap of our grunts, by the looks of things.

A wide angle of the city. Some comments about the view and the carnage. Decent camera work. But there's definitely room to expand here.

Overall comments. Well, I want more! playing as a tailgunner as it were was a new experience, and surprisingly fun. But the mission was short! I think Lamentin should be the half-way point, with a rearm/repair, and some replacements, then we move on North east. I'd like to see the player have a wider variety of experiences if possible, perhaps some minefield clearing a la facile ground, or fighting off an AT soldier ambush. Something that puts more emphasis on the player's gunning skills, as opposed to leaving the work up to the player's tank and/or supporting infantry. I never felt as though I was in any danger, sitting in my confy m1a1 (despite the other two tanks taking somewhat of a beating). I'd like to see the ambush (if it was that) between the first and second towns reworked. I think several people have mentioned this already. BUT: the mission has found a niche! Most, I would say the large majority of missions see you as a frontline soldier, tank commander, blackop or combat pilot, and suprisingly few see the player in support roles, ie engineer, medic, or in this case, tailgunner. Some of the most enjoyable missions (for me) involve this aspect to some degree, which is why I liked Crushed. Keep it up Greg!

« Last Edit: 16 Apr 2005, 12:54:14 by Fragorl »

Offline greg147

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #50 on: 17 Apr 2005, 17:09:51 »
Thanks for the review  :D

I havn't worked on the mission much as I was away this weekend, but now i'm back i'll finish the updates and release a new version.  ;)

As par of Fragorls comment on it being a bit short, I was thinking of another part, but its hard as by then the MG is out of ammo, and there is already lots of dead bodies all over the place which cause lag. (I tried a delete bodies script, but that failed. See the first few reviews  ;) )

Oh, and the area between the towns was not ment to be an ambush  ;)
It was just ment to be a checkpoint type thing, so I may add some stuff there to make it more obvious, like a barrier and maybe a hut.  8)
« Last Edit: 17 Apr 2005, 17:10:23 by greg147 »
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg

Offline Fragorl

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #51 on: 18 Apr 2005, 07:14:08 »
Ah, I see. Well, in that case a 'surprise' ambush would be great, at some stage (would need to fill the mission out a bit though).

As for ammo, if it's impractical to bring up an ammo truck, or if this won't work for rearming the mg, perhaps you can constantly setpos some sort of ammo thing inside the tank, let the player rearm that way? Of course, if I stop and think about it, that might prove to be impossible. Well, I'm sure there must be some way.

And I forgot to mention - that hind that strafes the tanks towards the end of the mission, I was able to bring him down, but that's what really finished off my ammo :P. Perhaps consider a Ka-50 instead? Or several of them even -  there's nothing like the thrill of downing a chopper with just your machine gun. If the player was russian, i'd suggest a swarm of oh 58s, and maybe one cobra - they're certainly a real threat to tanks, but if the player shoots right, they can take out the pilot, causing the heli to crash. This comes back to the 'give the player more to do' theme. Unfortunately, apart from the hokum, the russians don't really have any easy-kill helicopters. So inconsiderate of them, plastering armour all over their aircraft ;D

EDIT: there's an addon, i think it's the Mi-2, that would suit the role of cannon fodder well
« Last Edit: 18 Apr 2005, 07:14:51 by Fragorl »

Offline greg147

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #52 on: 18 Apr 2005, 08:01:57 »
I might try the KA-50, but I want to stay on the idea of a gunship. However, I do have the mi-2 addon on my PC right now, so it won't hurt to try it out  ;)
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg

Offline greg147

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #53 on: 25 Apr 2005, 19:12:40 »
Well, it took some time, as I was away a lot lately, but heres the new version. The addon is now included in the zip file, to save people the bother of downloading it.  ;)

« Last Edit: 30 Apr 2005, 14:14:53 by greg147 »
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #54 on: 30 Apr 2005, 14:14:11 »
Update on the mission, v1.5 I think. Same link as above (if anyone wants to download that is  ;) )

Acouple of bug fixes, aswell as a few more enemies in the first town.

Should be good for the missions dept after this.  8)
« Last Edit: 30 Apr 2005, 14:17:13 by greg147 »
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg

Offline Mikero

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #55 on: 30 Apr 2005, 15:39:46 »
OFP 1.96, bench 5895, no super ai


very nicely done.


on starting flashpoint

"addon SA8_m1 needs psy_mcar"


Get rid of the title in the overview and increase the font size of the red, Crushed. It's noisy as hell with both titles. You can easily cut n paste some blue sky and re enter the text.

Apart from that, very nicely presented. Consider reversing paragraphs, they read far better for me other way round.


missing editorupdate102.pbo

it's not mentioned as being required


very, very, nicely done. Very polished, pleasing to the eye which automatically means, readable.


slight bug.

you are moving on past Outpost, no matter what. There are still loons there despite your radio msgs to the contrary and there's an annoying target i'm told to hit that I cannot. Get the loons to flee, or, get the tanks to stop and clean them up properly. You don't need to rush this bit, nothing else will happen, gametron wise until we reach the meeting place.

I appreciated the savegame when it came.

I liked the hint

I retried instead and this time we got the town and they were surrendering.

I hope you can do something about that huge radio msg i could not read it because too much traffic noise. What you need to do (i think) is delay the counter attack for as long as it takes to knock out any remaining loons in vicinity, ie, until the tank commands, go quiet. You can easily fix hiding loons by using flee scripts.

It went a little buggy after attack, the chopper damaged us and we all got auto ejected (no hint)

then I get told to get back in tank, which I cannot, it's locked

i die from chopper

retry from cheatsave

no chopper visible, there was a call out once that it was 'somewhere'

this time i remain in tank and totally clean out attackers after my tank goes off to get healed at mash tent.

then some repair trucks arrive and we do ditto, all good stuff.

lastly, I get ejected, this time for no reason I can think of, and get told to get back in as the commander, i attempt to and it's mission complete.


much better. The briefings and all bells and whistles are polished very nicely, very nicely indeed, you deserve a LOT of credit for that.

there's a bit of a mess at endings on counter attack, I think it might be some scripting issue where you're being a little too clever deciding for me when i should eject. This is my opinion, perhaps you're doing nothing of the sort, but the hint, makes me suspicious. Let me decide when to get out, and it all may come good. If you are play testing this mission, stop trying to kill things youself, you'll catch yourself out by being too good. Play like a Joe Grunt instead, or never fire.

This mission will not recieve a rave if released because of the messy ending, but players who like tanks in this way will hit that retry button over and over to get the end 'right' for them.

fix up the missing addon issues, and release it if you wish, it will be recieved well, probably a 6 rating, or try and work thru the mess just at the end.




again, I just plain liked it, the music was great, the title texts perfect for me. I would however make those beasties smoke, they were a little dull just blackened as they were. Smoking, well THAT would be 'quite a sight'
« Last Edit: 30 Apr 2005, 15:47:49 by mikero »
Just say no to bugz

Offline greg147

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #56 on: 30 Apr 2005, 15:56:53 »
Thanks for the quick review  ;D

OK, so i'll make the tanks stop at the OP for some clearing up, instead of leaving it for the guys that come up behind  ;)

When your tank is destroyed, I used the aP unassigncargo "tank1" so when you get out, you're leader doesn't keep saying '5, board M1A1 turret' over and over. That would get annoying to some people, but then I suppose not being able to use the turret again would be too.  :P
I'll change that around so you have the choice to stay in it.

When the radio message comes up, I could disable the radio so no more messages come up, and then enable it after 20 seconds or so, so the player can read the message without being disturbed by other messages.

I really don't know how I could improve the counter attack much. Its not that it couldn't be improved, but I don't know what parts to change. Which bits are most annoying?

Oh, and I was also thinking of adding a BMP to the counter attack

Any more ideas of what I could change?  8)
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg

Offline Mikero

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #57 on: 30 Apr 2005, 16:14:09 »
>pausing at op

I think that is a good idea(tm), the mission plays a little too breathlessly, as in rush rush rush. Let me, the player: enjoy this new experience, test firing the gun, getting used to the buggers underneath swivelling me about :o

That' s not meant to be a criticism btw, you keep it as you see fit, i'd just like it slowed down a little. For instance, as a player, it's not evident that the counter attack is, a counter attack, it's more just a continuous battlefest. Some like that, some do not.

>a choice to stay in it.

I would just prefer to let me decide when i get out, if i dont and get cooked, who's fault is that?

>disable radio msgs.

try it and see, sounds good. I'm not commander, the msgs rarely apply to me.

>annoying counter attack.

I didn't find it annoying in any way, it flowed along quite ok, I would have preferred some delay before it all happened, but the issue of being ejected isn't part of that, nor is my inability to do much about the chopper.

I would, if you haven't done so already, plunk an ammo box somewhere that I can snaffle an AA if I get out of tank, just in case stuff.

One thing you could try is using T80's to bang us out of the tanks so that we have a fistfight with the enemy loons, and exchnage their chopper for one of ours to destroy the T80's.

These are just suggestions greg, the mission played fine for me as it was (with bugs noted)
Just say no to bugz

Offline 456820

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #58 on: 30 Apr 2005, 16:17:02 »
you should make sure your not told to get out and get back in the tank as something else you should keep as the gunner after you have taken the town unless this has been done i havent plyed a very recent version

Offline greg147

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #59 on: 30 Apr 2005, 16:52:30 »
I guess a minute or 2 between the attack and the counter attack would make the level more realistic aswell. After all, they have just lost a key town, so wouldn't have tons of troops just sitting there after an attack.  ;)

There are a few AA guys both in the infantry attack force (alpha) and the enemy have some who started dead, so they are always in front of the church. However, adding Strela launchers in ammo crates (or even just on their own, proped up against a wall) would be a good idea if you ask me, so I'll put it in.  :)

The thing about the T-80s killing us:
That would work quite well in a way. But from earlier reviews, people said that I should reduce the amount of enemy tanks, as the player can't do anything about them. However, I could make it so if all 3 tanks are destroyed, friendly choppers come into the action to take out the hind and other tanks, while you battle it out on th ground.  :gunman:

Ah, but you see, if you are an expirianced tank crew member, and your commander/driver is killed, you would be told to take over his position in reality, as it is more important than the machine gunner.  8)

Unless you mean something completely different that is  ;D
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg