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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] Crushed  (Read 15138 times)

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #30 on: 01 Apr 2005, 23:45:35 »
@intro: Now I remember why I didn't see any intro. I get a missing addon "cbt_crew" I'm assuming COMBAT crewmen?

Offline greg147

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #31 on: 02 Apr 2005, 00:05:20 »
Damn. OK, I have deleted the CBT_crew from the intro part of the mission.sqs ( ::) ;)), and I will release a new version as soon as I have finished testing the new one myself :gunman:
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #32 on: 10 Apr 2005, 21:37:00 »
Update  ;D


Find it here:

Copy and paste the link, don't just click it

New features
Better Overview pic
Less lag in the city (hopefully)
Hind in counter attack

I've also done my best to get the tank to move less. I've put some of its waypoints as 'limited' and lowered its skill  ;)

Any comments would be much appreciated  :cheers:

« Last Edit: 10 Apr 2005, 21:58:25 by greg147 »
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #33 on: 10 Apr 2005, 22:27:00 »
Hey greg147,

I get the same error as GuiltyRoachKillar, even with the new version.  I took the liberty of removing CBT_Crew from the mission.sqm, but when the intro came up, it gave me this error:
No entry: 'config.bin/CfgVehicles.CBT_comm_base'.

Some CBT addon is required for the intro.

Offline Mikero

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #35 on: 11 Apr 2005, 09:03:16 »
Hmmm......i'm looking into it now.  :-\
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #36 on: 11 Apr 2005, 09:43:04 »
OK, I have fixed the CBT_crew bug. Thanks for reporting it  ;)

The problem was that both CBT crew and normal crew are both named 'crew' under west-units. I had used CBt ones instead of the normal ones  :-[

Should be fixed now though  :)

Download the new version from the same link as above  ;)
« Last Edit: 11 Apr 2005, 09:43:25 by greg147 »
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #37 on: 12 Apr 2005, 21:55:30 »
Umm....anyone at all?  :-[

I just need one more person to test it for bugs before I release it in the missions dept...
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #38 on: 12 Apr 2005, 22:55:41 »
Sorry. I've yet to test it properly, but will do so at the first opportunity I get (maybe next 1-2 days)

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #39 on: 12 Apr 2005, 23:08:36 »
Hey greg147,


Use the fadesound and fademusic commands at the end of the intro so the music and sound don't end suddenly.  Also use a black out.


The tank behaved better this time, and it was easier for me to gun down the enemy soldiers.  There were a few problems, though.  12 seemed to have gotten stuck back at Le Moule.  It may be because of the M2 machine gun at the OP.  Even though the gunner was dead, the tanks still wanted to engage it.  Because of the lack of support from the other tank, we were outgunned and I wasn't able to finish the mission.  Also, I received an error at Lamentin during the battle:
Enviromental sound not found: AECombat 3
As I said above, I wasn't able to finish the mission due to the lack of support from the other Abrams.  It may have been a freak occurence, so I intent to test the mission again later today.

A good improvement from the other versions.  It was easier to aim the gun because the tank didn't move so much.  Knock out the sound error and fix the M2 problem, and this mission will be ready for the missions depot.

Offline greg147

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #40 on: 13 Apr 2005, 07:58:30 »
Thanks a lot  ;D

I'll get right on it  ;)
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg

Offline Mikero

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #41 on: 14 Apr 2005, 08:32:27 »
Had a really bad time getting the addon. Multiple attempts.

consider including it in the mission rar.


missing addons SA8-M1

(i have your addon in a mods folder. not ~/addons per se)


Good, good orientation of who I am, and, how many I have.


this is, the only time a yeardate can be used. All others are nonsense. What you've done here is given me a situation awareness of where this mission fits in. Well done but never be so crass as to use a yeardate anywhere else, any other time.


Double titled. The centred text title is un-necessary, you want to attract my eye to the piccie.


smacked me straight away that it was a good one. Wasn't reading, it just didn't jar, how it all laid out.


sorry, forgot to look.

Weapon Selection:

Not relevant on the assumption we stay in tank. And probably inappropriate as gun crew that we could select anything else.


Consider dropping bits off the briefing, they're repeated here in radio messages and are a lot more authentic and interesting. Be that as it may, the briefing was very concise, precise. having now played the mission, I dont think, despite the effort you went to, that we need much briefing. I'm never in command, and basically just follow orders.

"At all cost"

sigh, awful.

Music during battle:

dreadful. Kiddie stuff. BUT, i was immersed in game play so didn't notice it till it irritated the crap out of me.

Enjoyed myself immensely in the tank. You scripted well. All I was, was a poor little gunner who would get blown to pieces if you had NOT choroegraphed it so well vs the other tanks. Well done here. Extermely well done, tank battles can be pigs.


Missing addon "AECCombat_3" ambient sound.

Loved the savegames.

Visually great, a very enjoyable ride in one of these things.

Mission began to fall apart, in Lamentin. You did really well here with your scripts. Really well. Eventually I'm told to get out of destroyed tank. The hint is *very* good, normally i hate them.

I'm wounded and have no hope of participating further, there's a counter attack going on, and a nasty chopper, but the AA I crawl to is empty. I'm guessing, there *might* be a mash tent other side of town, dissapointed if you didn't provide one because it's inevitable we'd get hurt. I accept that really, I shoulda dun better and kept my tank alive, but, beta testers will test the what if's, wont we? ;)

Game stops abrubtly while something exciting is going on from where we'd just driven from, chopper I think is still around, not sure on that. Get the feeling you just had to end this, somehow.


One of the very, very few tank missions I've enjoyed. I was happy to be sub-private grunt and let it all happen. The enemy ai, what there were of them in first episode were doing what they all do when tanks are about, looking for contact lenses. I think it just comes with the territory. Considering these are Leviathan Abhams: modified, you could introduce a lot more rpg into it. This IS why i'm there isn't it? A repair truck in the background would not hurt one little bit, and could be active in the pause to lamentin.

You underplayed this so that I could get used to my new toy, but I really needed to fight for a living and protect my tank. A few splats wont kill me.

Detest the music, and the end was, well, a "god, how do we stop this thing". But, exciting to play.
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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #42 on: 14 Apr 2005, 13:02:36 »
veteran mode, benchmark 5639, cheatsaves, no previous posts read.

on running flashpoint, "Addon 'SA8_m1' requires addon 'psy_mcar'"...

overview - pic acceptable, although you needn't repeat the title within it. border is a wee bit jagged. get 'on' the tank? 'in' surely?

intro - fine, standard flyover, with a wee bit of camera flip at the target switches. i'd suggest stopping the camera, panning to the next swoop, then continuing - much smoother that way. the last shot of the driver could do with being a bit lower and closer, give more of a feel of "hey - that must be me!"

fade the music out - it stops abruptly.


plan - comma out on next line after "along this road".

lamentin doesn't really need to be linked so often. i can see why you have, and i'd keep the links in the objectives for quick reference, but since the map's not scrolling out of that general area, lamentin is pretty much visible all the time. no need for the last link in the paragraph.

i would also provide a link to the fuel station mentioned, since the route the secondary team will take is linked.

that last objective is a bit awkward. use "hold the city at all costs" or "be prepared for possible counter-attacks".

notes - 'gunfire' is one word isn't it? is it? i dunno. could be both, i'm just used to seeing it as gunfire. otherwise dandy.

and irritatingly enough, no spelling errors - so far :P

mission - phew, pretty bouncy up here. and quite exposed, as the notes pointed out. killed on the first attempt. hmph. can i turn in and hide? nope.

tricky to aim, especially with the main barrel throwing up a cloud of smoke each time it fires. but we're progressing well. take the first town with no casualties. up the hill, take out the group lying there. it strikes me that there are no rpg loons firing at us.

over the hill, typo in the titletext - "here comes our infantry boys..." should be 'here come...'

we start on lamentin, my view of an enemy uaz (which has been marked and not attacked by any of the tanks told to blow it up by the group leader) is nicely obscured by the trees, music starts and we roll down the hill - error box "Environmental sound AECombat3 not found". doesn't crash though, so on we roll.

i'll retract my previous comment about the lack of rpgs - they're flying around like midges here. my tank is toast and i clamber out, peep round a corner and am sent skyward by a bmp.

another retry and we get the bmp (and i ping half the russian army despite the guy in my turret doing something like a samba in there) and then zip, a tank gets me. cha cha cha.

fast forward to about 10 retries later, and the same tank keeps getting me. no-one seems to take him on, and not being in command, i can't do anything about it, except maybe jump out prematurely and leg it away. which is no fun, but here goes...

i jump out, view the carnage from relative safety, friendlies dropping like flies, everyone down. so i think hmmm, what now? i know! i'll take them on myself! banzai! have to rearm though, so i think right, retrace my steps, maybe get something around le moule. so i leg it into the woods only to find myself confronted by a rather large squad of nasties.

luckily they didn't spot me (even though i almost ran straight into them), so i prone it away to the other side of the woods. WTF?! another patrol standing there waiting, as if they knew i'd be going that way. from this distance they could be friendlies... but with no binocs i can't tell... please please always give the player binocs...

meh. let's save the game and find out if they're friendly.

they are. and they're just standing there. ho hum. i should tell them about the squad in the forest, but can't.

over to le moule, searching for an officer... binocs, binocs, my kingdom for some binocs... got them, now for some rpg action... none to be had. so i grit my teeth and decide to take on the squads in the woods. and here's a funny thing. i went right up to them and not one of them shot me. not one. i danced, i pranced, i shot each one of them in the head as they lay there. no rpgs to be had here either. hmmm. i wonder if i'm setcaptived...

soon find out.

exit the woods, and find a ruined chopper. cheatsave just in time, as it transpires i am not in fact setcaptived.

i take the coast into lamentin, pop the guy lying beside the jeep, round to the church, ping another guy, up into the bell tower to see what i can see. not much. back down, search the bodies and finally find an rpg with one single round left.

luckily there's a heavily damaged tank round the back of the house i hid in. i take it out and get a message that the russians are retreating, there's a counterattack coming from the east - could that be the bunch of guys in the woods i just massacred - and reinforcements in the form of a vulcan. eta 5 minutes. i think i can hold on that long...

nope. i can't. after a few more retries i realise i'm outnumbered and beginning to tire of picking off loons one by one from miles away in a town from which the enemies were supposed to be retreating. i could run away (again) but there's limited fun in that. i may finish this later on.

overall - pretty fun, up to lamentin. lots of trees to block my line of sight, a gunner with involuntary spasms, and friendly loons who seem to be useless at firing at other tanks.

i suspect the squads near the woods were reinforcements and suchlike, but you could perhaps allow for the player blundering into them as i did, maybe enable joining their squad and triggering their waypoints?

and finally, an indication of some sort of starting base would be nice, so that if all else fails, the player knows that s/he can get back there to restock and rearm and try to complete the mission as a one-loon army. i realise in a small-ish mission such as this you don't really need to indicate the whole story behind why the tanks are there in the first place, but as far as the mission logistics goes, i had no rpgs, no transport - unless you count a ruined tank over which i have no control - and no medical/repair assistance. a temporary outpost behind the start position would solve all this.

all in all, pretty good. although i'm not really sure what the tank machine gun addon is adding to this other than a bouncy way of getting shot. ;)

EDIT - went back to it, cleared the entire town, took out the chopper hovering out at sea, there's one solitary tank left, i've thrown all my rpgs at it, i've scooted back to the friendly squad near the forest only to find them still there and lacking any law launchers... bedges wonders to himself how many grenades it'll take to blow the tank and whether or not the mission will even end once it's gone...

went back to a previous save giving me that one last rpg back, blew the tank and completed the mission. whoopee.

outro - again, standard flyover. quite a sight? hmmm. some more movement of engineers and cleanups and suchlike might have been nice. the music ends abruptly again too. a good few seconds of both intro and outro are spent flying through trees, which can be atmospheric so long as it doesn't last too long, which in this case i think it does. just my opinion though. all in all, a good romp. :)

« Last Edit: 14 Apr 2005, 17:20:53 by bedges »

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #43 on: 14 Apr 2005, 15:12:30 »
Hey greg147,

Considering the player can't do anything about enemy tanks, I suggest you lose most of the tanks, and instead add more RPG and AT soldiers.  That way the player will make a difference in the mission, not just watching as his tank gets blown up from under him.

Offline greg147

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #44 on: 14 Apr 2005, 21:08:18 »
Wow, thanks for the tests everyone  :)

The problem with the Sa8_m1 has troubled quite a few people. Bearing in mine its only a few megs, I will consider adding it to the zip file.  ;)


Damn, I think you ran into the counter attack prematurely. They didn't shoot you because they were on a waypoint of 'hold fire', to stop them RPGing your tank as you approached Latamin. I was trying to camcreate them there after the attack, but didn't have much luck.  :-[

@Student Pilot
I see what you mean. I added tanks to make it seem more of a key town, but I could lower their skill to minimum so they hardly shoot at all, just eye candy really  ;)

So, thinks I will change for the next version:

The ambience sound has already been removed on the version i'm working on now, as is the fademusic in the intro and outro.
Change the last objective.
More AT guys
Supply base at the start
Ammo and medic tents in the town
I was thinking of adding a 'kill player' trigger that activates if he walks into the forest where the counter attack is. An AK74 sound and setdamaging him 1 kinda think. But maybe not  :-\
Intro change.
« Last Edit: 16 Apr 2005, 08:11:53 by greg147 »
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg