_Crate = camcreate "ReammoBoxWest" getpos player
_crate addweaponcargo["M16",500]
_crate addmagazinecargo ["M16",5000]
You will need to put this in an .sqs file or it will not work because triggers dont support global variables (_).
hmmm not sure this will work ummm what the dropcrate script does is allow u to add (( On Activeaction:[_TargetPlayer,_"plane",_"vehicle"]exec "\dcrateb\dropcrateb.sqs")) the "vehcle appears when the crate lands (well goes through the floor
what i need to do is either create a custom .pbo crate or find a way to make it spawn a crate (with my own weapons in it) or if i can create a script that would load it out like yours once it has landed ie
[myPlayername,"C130v1a","ReammoBoxWest"]exec "dropcrate.sqs"
then an ammobox will be created but i have no idea how to addweapons to a box thats created by another script
if i create my own ammo crate as pbo i can just have ;
[myPlayername,"C130v1a","Mrgreapersammobox"]exec "dropcrate.sqs"
which would be easier but i need a sample ammobox.pbo to work from as i`m no good at 3d and i`m new to creating config files
as i say i may be asking a bit much but i looked at all the tutorial sites i could find and i`m still non the wiser as to how to create an ammo crate i`ve seen planes cars guns ...even a mech but no crates