Firstly, there is no need to bump your post after a mere 15 minutes. On this board it would be more appropriate to wait at least a couple of days.
Secondly, like bedges, I'm not quite clear on the waypoint question. Can you explain it again? Would a switch trigger do the trick?
Thirdly, mines. Very difficult objects. They do not respond to many commands. I hit this problem with my as yet unfinished mission Regina Proeliorum, which is seeing the light of day again now that Un-Impossible is finished. Here is the system I invented.
Create a marker, name it "marker1_9" and place it where you want the mine to be. Now, in init.sqs have this
mine9 = "mine" camCreate getmarkerpos "marker1_9"
Now place a soldier on an outlying island. Call him tom1. When you want the mine to vanish, use this:-
mine9 setpos [(getpos tom1 select 0) , (getpos tom1 select 1)]
This convoluted system took a great deal of time and effort to invent. You are very welcome to use it in your mission providing you credit me in the readme. Which, as regular listeners will know, is not a request I make often.
The whole mine clearance bit goes like this. The loon clearing this mine is called sapper1, obviously. This is an extract from a larger script:-
? not (alive mine9): goto "mine8"
sapper1 DoMove getpos mine9
? !alive sapper1: goto "chat"
? not (alive mine9): goto "mine8"
?(sapper1 distance mine9 < 3):goto "clearB"
goto "loopB"
sapper1 playmove "CombatToPutDown"
mine9 setpos [(getpos tom1 select 0) , (getpos tom1 select 1)]
The mine does not appear at tom1's feet, I don't know where it goes. I suspect underneath him at sea level. You can send as many mines to him as you want.