Oooh weapon jamming, nice addition.
Can you make a unit drop the magazine it has currently or maybe just do an automatic reload.
Or could you play the magazine reload animation without actually reloading.
This would give you the realistic effect of the ol 'slap-n-rack' method really employed.
Again from
What does the Acronym SPORTS stand for?
Slap, Pull, Observe, Release, Tap and Shoot
This is something that the 'Americas Army' game does well but would be cool to see in OFP.
The jam script could run on an eventhandler and randomly fire on say 10% of the shots(too high?), then run a sound like 'click click DANGIT!' then reload.
I'll download and check out your rainstorm script tonight when I get home and see if I cant add my ideas with setVelociy and maybe a random weapon jam. there a way to tell if a unit is in a house or under cover?
This may be getting ahead of myself but what if the effects worsen the longer a unit is outside but the unit recovers speed (slowly) if they go inside or jump in a vehicle?
Hows this for a weapons jam start:
;this AddEventHandler ["fired",{_this Exec "weaponjam.sqs"}]
_unit= _this select 0
_jamcheck = random 100
? _jamcheck < 90 : exit
playsound "weaponjam"
hint "weapon jammed"
_unit playMove "StandReload" (dont know the move off the top of my head)
Hmmmm...but it think it would be better to use this as an addaction so that the unit doesnt automatically attempt reloading once his weapon jams.
Maybe just remove his current magazine which would force/allow the player to find cover before reloading.
I'll play around with it but it's looking do-able.
Thanks for the idea dmakatra.
Soon it could be
:beat:**click click DANGIT!.....Gets Shot** :beat: