Hi! I'm fairly new to modeling, and I've just made a crate in o2.
I wanted to re-texture a simple "Man", make him wear a suit, and put it in my mission as a special agent of sorts.
I realized that using the models included in OFP as a base for your addons is illegal (am I correct?) and therefore I can't re-texture them for a suit wearing guy (am I correct?)
So I downloaded BISModels.zip (which is, as much as I learned, models that are free to use) and there was a sample "BISMAN" inside, I re-textured it, and looked fine...
However, the model I'm talking about is quite buggy. He goes right through buildings and cars, and he can't climb the stairs. (It was like this before I re-textured it, so I haven't done anything wrong with it)
Can you help me with this problem?
Because I don't know much about modeling, if you could give me a free to use man model I could use as a base model, it would be the best.
If not, can you tell me how to fix the sample man's problems??? (I searched the tutorials, but I couldn't find one that would teach me to model a simple man).