In a dialog you can choose your role in the mission, when you press the button "Machinegunner", the dialog closes and this script starts to run :
cuttext ["","Black in",3]
situation = 2
player AddMagazine "BARMag"
player AddWeapon "BAR"
player AddMagazine "BARMag"
player AddMagazine "BARMag"
player AddMagazine "BARMag"
player AddMagazine "BARMag"
player AddMagazine "HandGrenade"
player AddMagazine "HandGrenade"
player AddWeapon "Binocular"
[player] join fransgroup
SDF setdammage 0.5
player setpos [(getpos frans select 0) + (5*sin getdir frans), (getpos frans select 1) + (5*cos getdir frans), 0]
"_x setskill 0.5+ random 0.3" foreach (units marcelgroup + units jefgroup)
jefgroup setGroupId ["ALPHA", "GroupColor1"]
marcelgroup setGroupId ["BRAVO", "GroupColor1"]
fransgroup setGroupId ["CHARLIE", "GroupColor1"]
When the game starts, I'm in the right position, the right group, the right weaponloadout... but I can't fire my weapon until a select one of my weapons. It looks like the ammo for the weapon is not available before a select another weapon then one I'm holding. (like the binocular).
Anybody experience with this?
OK I solved it :
After the adding the weapons and magazines..
player selectweapon "binocular"
player selectweapon (primaryweapon player)
And at the end of the script...
player action ["WEAPONINHAND"]
But I still don't know why this happens...