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Author Topic: loons skipping waypoint...  (Read 491 times)

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Offline bedges

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loons skipping waypoint...
« on: 24 Feb 2005, 14:21:46 »
bizarre. truly.


two grouped loons in their jeep move to a meeting point, whereupon they leaveVehicle and move to a hold waypoint. all fine and dandy.

once a condition is met, a switch trigger directs them to the next move waypoint, beside their jeep. there's a trigger here which checks if the jeep's still okay to drive, and pops them back in if it is. their next waypoint is the road, and onwards.

my problem? when the switch trigger fires, they move directly to the road. i do indeed have the switch synchronised with the move waypoint nearest the jeep, but they ignore it every time.

i have synchronised to the correct waypoint haven't i? should it be the hold waypoint i synch to? surely not....

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Re:loons skipping waypoint...
« Reply #1 on: 24 Feb 2005, 14:41:33 »
i have synchronised to the correct waypoint haven't i? should it be the hold waypoint i synch to? surely not....
Surely is - switch triggers activate the WP AFTER the one the trigger is synched to.  It seemed odd the first time I read it, too.

Offline bedges

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Re:loons skipping waypoint...
« Reply #2 on: 24 Feb 2005, 14:59:35 »
i don't believe it... i am shaking my head at my own idiocy here. THAT's why NONE of the escape routes were working as they should... oh man.

thanks muchly sir, you have just fixed my entire mission.  :-*