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Author Topic: unload 2 squads from a truck  (Read 575 times)

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unload 2 squads from a truck
« on: 23 Feb 2005, 00:19:49 »
this feels like a really dumb question but i got two fire teams or squads, ( i dunno yet what they should be called) and they are supposed to be get inside the truck and then be transported by a driver and when the driver reaches the airbase runway next to some blackhawks they are supposed to stop and unload, but the troops still stay inside the truck  >:(
its freaking me out because i get alot of other stuff to work like chopper landing and flying off when the whole squad is inside but i can't get the a.i soldiers to disembark or eject from the truck  :P
anyways the driver is in his own group and the two fire teams are 5-6 man in each group and they are supposed to be disembarking near the choppers and then move into seperate choppers but they just stay inside the truck.. ..

Offline THobson

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Re:unload 2 squads from a truck
« Reply #1 on: 23 Feb 2005, 00:27:48 »

You say what the loons are supposeed to do, but you don't say what you are doing to make them do it so it is a bit difficult to be helpful.

The vehicle should have a transport unload waypoint and the infantry should have a get out waypoint that is synchronised with the vehicle's transport unload waypoint.  I have never tried it with two infantry groups in the same vehicle, it might be that the vehicle should have two transport unload waypoints, one synchronised with each get out waypoint.  In any event I suggest you try getting it to work with one infantry group first , and then try with both of them.

Offline bedges

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Re:unload 2 squads from a truck
« Reply #2 on: 23 Feb 2005, 00:40:17 »
two ways (that i know of) that you could do this:

i assume you've tried editor-placed waypoints, and in my limited experience they can be... well i dunno. i know the feeling you describe, let's leave it at that.

you've got the two 5-man teams outside the truck. the truck has a 'load' waypoint near the groups, and each group has a 'get in' waypoint synchronised with the 'load' waypoint. first step over. if you've managed to get them into the truck, getting them out again should be the same, just in reverse.

the truck is waypointed to where it needs to go. second part over.

here's where i get confused with transport waypoints. you give the truck either an 'unload' or 'transport unload' waypoint where you want the teams to get out, AND each team is given a 'get out' waypoint near the same place, both synchronised to the truck's 'unload' waypoint. that's the last step, and everything moves on from there as usual.

the second, slightly more involved method is using script to do pretty much exactly what's described above, using a trigger at the destination, activated by the truck being present, and on activation calling a script which tells the two squads to get out - syntax iiiiiis (bedges looks up the comref)

Code: [Select]
group_name leaveVehicle vehicle_name
which works for individual units or groups. personally i would avoid the second option, as i've had problems reconnecting the groups with their editor-placed waypoints after grabbing them with a script and telling them - nay MAKING them do what they're supposed to, the stoopid lil.....

i digress. good luck ;)

Offline ACF

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Re:unload 2 squads from a truck
« Reply #3 on: 23 Feb 2005, 01:08:09 »
Unload WPs are for a group of loons WITH a vehicle; Transport Unload WPs for an infantry group (or groups) as cargo in a vehicle that is, or is part of, a separate group.

My understanding of the Get Out WP is that it works like an Unload (on a group that includes a vehicle, crew and cargo) except that both the cargo and the crew debus and leave the empty vehicle behind.  In other words a Get Out WP is for the vehicle not the cargo/crew.  But that's an understanding . . .

What I can say is that I've used Transport Unload quite a bit (e.g. for a group of APCs that travel in formation then disgorge a platoon of infantry [groups] that go and do different things) but never in conjunction with a Get Out WP for the cargo.  My experience has been that the cargo will quite happily tootle off to their next WP (a Get In for the chopper in this instance) without worrying about the transport group.


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Re:unload 2 squads from a truck
« Reply #4 on: 23 Feb 2005, 10:21:12 »
thx for replies guys, i have used a get in wp for the two squads and a hold wp for the truck, the truck then moves to a unload wp near the chopper when its loaded with all the a.i loons. When it reaches the unload wp i got it syncronized with two get out wp, 1  get out wp for each squad. but they just stay inside asi said in the first post.
well i'll try your ways and tell if they worked tonight  :)
got to do some school work now  :P


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Re:unload 2 squads from a truck
« Reply #5 on: 23 Feb 2005, 13:48:16 »
Unload is the wrong type of waypoint, unless they're grouped to the truck. Use (1) transport unload for the truck with (2) getout waypoints for the 2 groups, and sync them both to the transport unload. You can have as many getout waypoints sync'd to a transport unload as you need. Sometimes the groups will disembark one group at a time, sometimes they all get out together.

As a safety measure, you could give the truck an additional move waypoint just before the transport unload, and in the waypoints activation use the unassignvehicle command on the groups inside.
example- "unassignvehicle _x" foreach units Bravo
For sure they will get out of the trucks then.


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Re:unload 2 squads from a truck
« Reply #6 on: 23 Feb 2005, 14:04:23 »
a question, do i write the command in init of group leader?
and should the groupleader be named Bravo?

Offline bedges

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Re:unload 2 squads from a truck
« Reply #7 on: 23 Feb 2005, 14:21:23 »
and in the waypoint's 'on activation' field use the unassignvehicle command

the name 'bravo' refers to the group name. in the init field of the group commander, put

Code: [Select]
bravo = group this

you could use any name, it's just a variable used to refer to the whole group. handy when it comes to scripting.

@ACF - thanks for that clarification. by coincidence i needed to do a bit of loading/unloading, and managed first time thanks to your input. *sigh* - isn't ofpec great? three cheers for ofpec... hip hip?


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Re:unload 2 squads from a truck
« Reply #8 on: 23 Feb 2005, 20:01:25 »
thx guys! I tried the transport unload wp and synced it with the two get out wp's and it works good  ;D