What I have is the player decides when placing a mine whether it is an ap mine (grenade anybody present; this and "land" counttype thislist > 0 ) or an av mine (bigger explosion anybody present; this and "landVehicle" counttype thislist > 0 )
Having placed the mine if the player get too close, or lets any of his squad get too close, or if civilians get too close, then - well a mine is a mine - it doesn't know who or what set it off.
When the mine is placed a mine casing is camcreated and a disable action is added to it. I wanted to add the action to the trigger which would have been really neat, but I can't. When the player initiates the disable action the script needs to find the correct trigger to delete (no the player does not get another chance to place this mine). Because I know the names of all the triggers the script can cycle through them checking their location to see if it matches the location of the mine case. It works. If I could have added the action to the trigger itself then I would not need to cycle through all the triggers to find the correct one.
When I started this thread I needed a script to disable each mine, I now have one script that can be used to disable all mines. A reduction of 29 scripts! Not a bad result.
It would be nice if the 'this' returned by the activated trigger included the trigger name
This sumarises my problem perfectly.