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Thunderbolt Machine gun
« on: 07 Feb 2005, 06:18:09 »

here is the config for DSL's A-10 thunderbolt,

the item of focus is the Gua8 gun
how do i make it so the Gua8 does not fire rounds that explode. I just want it to fire regular rounds like those coming out of an M-16, or an AK-47.

secondly: how do i make the Gua8 higher dispersal

thanks in advance

[code]#define TEast 0
#define TWest 1
#define TGuerrila 2
#define TCivilian 3
#define TSideUnknown 4
#define TEnemy 5
#define TFriendly 6
#define TLogic 7

#define true 1
#define false 0

#define private 0
#define protected 1
#define public 2

class CfgPatches
        class DSL_a10
      units[] = {DSL_a10, DSL_a10g, DSL_a10mk, DSL_a10mkg, DSL_a10gbu, DSL_a10gbug};
      requiredVersion = 1.90;

class CfgModels
   class Default{};
   class Weapon: Default{};
   class Vehicle: Default{};
   class DSL_a10_mesh: Vehicle
      sectionsInherit = "Vehicle";
      sections[] =
         "n1", "n2", "n3",
         "bas_tailflash_l", "bas_tailflash_r", "bas_taillogo_l", "bas_taillogo_r", "bas_tailnum_l", "bas_tailnum_r", "bas_usaf_l", "bas_usaf_r",
         "_aimA", "_aimB",
         "_mavA", "_mavB", "_mavC", "_mavD", "_mavE", "_mavF",
         "_mk82A", "_mk82B", "_mk82C", "_mk82D",
         "zasleh", "vrtule staticka", "vrtule blur"

   class DSL_a10_mesh_g: DSL_a10_mesh{};

   class DSL_a10_mesh_mk: Vehicle
      sectionsInherit = "Vehicle";
      sections[] =
         "n1", "n2", "n3",
         "bas_tailflash_l", "bas_tailflash_r", "bas_taillogo_l", "bas_taillogo_r", "bas_tailnum_l", "bas_tailnum_r", "bas_usaf_l", "bas_usaf_r",
         "_aimA", "_aimB",
         "_mk82A", "_mk82B", "_mk82C", "_mk82D", "_mk82E", "_mk82F", "_mk82G", "_mk82H", "_mk82I", "_mk82J", "_mk82K", "_mk82L",
         "zasleh", "vrtule staticka", "vrtule blur"

   class DSL_a10_mesh_mk_g: DSL_a10_mesh_mk{};

   class DSL_a10_mesh_gbu: Vehicle
      sectionsInherit = "Vehicle";
      sections[] =
         "n1", "n2", "n3",
         "bas_tailflash_l", "bas_tailflash_r", "bas_taillogo_l", "bas_taillogo_r", "bas_tailnum_l", "bas_tailnum_r", "bas_usaf_l", "bas_usaf_r",
         "_aimA", "_aimB",
         "_mavA", "_mavB",
         "_gbuA", "_gbuB", "_gbuC", "_gbuD",
         "zasleh", "vrtule staticka", "vrtule blur"

   class DSL_a10_mesh_gbu_g: DSL_a10_mesh_gbu{};


class CfgSounds
   class DSLFlareLaunch
         name = "DSLFlareLaunch";
      titles[] = {};

   class cansound
         name = "cansound";
      titles[] = {};

   class Gear
         name = "Gear";
      titles[] = {};

   class DSLEjectSound
         name = "DSLEjectSound";
      titles[] = {};
   class LEF
         name = "LEF";
      titles[] = {};
   class REF
         name = "REF";
      titles[] = {};

class CfgRadio
   class DSLIncomingPips
         name = "DSLIncomingPips";
      title = "";

class CfgAmmo
   class default {};
   class LaserGuidedBomb: Default{};
   class BulletSingle: default {};
   class ExplosiveBullet: BulletSingle {};
   class Bullet30: ExplosiveBullet {};
   class DSL_Bullet_Gau8: Bullet30
   class AT3: Default{};
   class Hellfire: AT3{};
   class Maverick: Hellfire{};
   class DSL_AGM65B: Maverick
      model = "\DSL_a10\weap\AGM65B.p3d";
   class AA: Default {};
   class DSL_AIM9M: AA
      model = "\DSL_a10\weap\Aim9M.p3d";
   class DSL_MK82: Default   
      hit=2000; indirectHit=700; indirectHitRange=11;
   class DSL_a10_GBUBomb : LaserGuidedBomb
      model = \DSL_a10\weap\gbu12;


   class Zuni: Hellfire {};
   class DSL_Zuni: Zuni

class CfgWeapons
   class Default {};
   class MGun: Default {};
   class MachineGun7_6: MGun {};
   class MachineGun30: MachineGun7_6 {};
   class DSL_GAU8: MachineGun30
      ammo ="DSL_Bullet_Gau8";
      displayName="GAU 8/A Avenger";
          displayNameMagazine="GAU 8/A";
          shortNameMagazine="GAU 8/A";
      multiplier =5;
      reloadTime = 0.05;
      dispersion = 0.014;
   class LAWLauncher: Default{};
   class CarlGustavLauncher: LAWLauncher{};
   class AT3Launcher: CarlGustavLauncher{};
   class HellfireLauncher: AT3Launcher{};
   class MaverickLauncher: Hellfirelauncher {};
   class DSL_AGM65Launcher6: MaverickLauncher
      displayname="AGM-65B Maverick";

   class DSL_AGM65Launcher2: MaverickLauncher
      displayname="AGM-65B Maverick";

   class DSL_AIM9Launcher2: MaverickLauncher
      displayName="AIM-9M Sidewinder";
   class DSL_MK82Launcher: HellfireLauncher
      displayName="Mk-82 Low-Drag";
   class DSL_MK82Launcher12: HellfireLauncher
      displayName="Mk-82 Low-Drag";
   class DSL_GBU12: HellfireLauncher
      displayName="GBU-12 Paveway II";
      reloadTime =2;
   class ZuniLauncher38: AT3Launcher {};
   class DSL_ZuniLauncher: ZuniLauncher38
      displayName="Hydra-70 HE";

class DSL_A10GunSmoke
   cloudletDuration = 0.7;
   cloudletAnimPeriod = 1.0;
   cloudletSize = 5.0;
   cloudletAlpha = 0.65;
   cloudletGrowUp = .5;
   cloudletFadeIn = .2;   
   cloudletFadeOut = 2;

   cloudletAccY = 0;
   cloudletMinYSpeed = -1000;
   cloudletMaxYSpeed = 1000;

   cloudletShape = "cl_basic";
   cloudletColor[] = {1, 1, 1, 0};

   interval = 0.02;
   size = 4;
   sourceSize = 0.05;
   timeToLive = 1.6;

   initT = 0;
   deltaT = 0;
   class Table
      class T0 {maxT = 0; color[] = {1, 1, 1, 0};}

class CfgVehicles
      class All{};
   class AllVehicles:All{};
   class Land : AllVehicles {};
   class LandVehicle: Land {};
   class Car : LandVehicle {};
   class DSL_AcesSeat: Car
      scope =protected;model =\dsl_a10\dsl_aces_mesh;
      displayName="AcesII Ejection Seat";
      driverAction = ManActA10Pilot;weapons[]={};magazines[]={};

   class Air: AllVehicles{};
   class Plane: Air{};
   class DSL_a10: Plane
      vehicleClass = "DSL - Aircraft";
      picture = "\DSL_a10\picgreen.paa";
      landingspeed =190;
      flapsFrictionCoef = 0.14;
      gearRetracting = true;
            displayName="A-10A (Green)";

      insideSoundCoef = 0.01;

      noseDownCoef = 1;
      elevatorSensitivity = 1.4;
      aileronSensitivity = 1.1;
      wheelSteeringSensitivity = 1.3;

      class ViewPilot
                initFov=0.8; minFov=0.6; maxFov=1.0;
                initAngleX=15; minAngleX=-15; maxAngleX=+25;
                initAngleY=0; minAngleY=-100; maxAngleY=+100;

      class GunFire: DSL_A10GunSmoke{};
      class GunClouds: DSL_A10GunSmoke{};
      class MGunFire: DSL_A10GunSmoke{};
      class MGunClouds: DSL_A10GunSmoke{};

      weapons[]={"DSL_GAU8", "DSL_AGM65Launcher6", "DSL_ZuniLauncher", "DSL_AIM9Launcher2", "DSL_MK82Launcher"};
      magazines[]={"DSL_GAU8", "DSL_AGM65Launcher6", "DSL_ZuniLauncher", "DSL_AIM9Launcher2", "DSL_MK82Launcher"};

      class ReloadAnimations
         class DSL_GAU8
            weapon = DSL_GAU8;
            angle0 = 0;
            angle1 = "-2 * 3.141592654";
            multiplier = 5000;
            type = rotation;
            animPeriod = 1;
            selection = gau8a;
            begin = "usti hlavne";
            end = "konec hlavne";
      class Reflectors
         class Reflector
            selection="L svetlo";

      hiddenSelections[]={"n1", "n2", "n3", "bas_tailflash_l", "bas_tailflash_r", "bas_taillogo_l", "bas_taillogo_r", "bas_tailnum_l", "bas_tailnum_r", "bas_usaf_l", "bas_usaf_r",   "_aimA", "_aimB",    "_mavA", "_mavB", "_mavC", "_mavD", "_mavE", "_mavF", "_mk82A", "_mk82B", "_mk82C", "_mk82D"};

      animated = 1;
      class Animations
         class LeftGear
            type ="rotation";
            animPeriod =2;
            selection ="left wheel";
            axis ="axis left wheel";
            angle0 =0;
            angle1 =1.43;

         class LeftGearDoor
            type ="rotation";
            animPeriod =2;
            selection ="left flap1";
            axis ="axis left flap1";
            angle0 =0;
            angle1 =1.560;
         class RightGear
            type ="rotation";
            animPeriod =1.9;
            selection ="right wheel";
            axis ="axis right wheel";
            angle0 =0;
            angle1 =-1.43;

         class RightGearDoor
            type ="rotation";
            animPeriod =1.9;
            selection ="right flap1";
            axis ="axis right flap1";
            angle0 =0;
            angle1 =-1.560;

         class NoseGear
            type ="rotation";
            animPeriod =2.3;
            selection ="nose wheel";
            axis ="axis nose wheel";
            angle0 =0;
            angle1 =1.5;
         class NoseGearDoor
            type ="rotation";
            animPeriod =2;
            selection ="nose door2";
            axis ="axis nose door2";
            angle0 =0;
            angle1 =1.477;

         class NoseGearDoor2
            type ="rotation";
            animPeriod =2.3;
            selection ="nose door";
            axis ="axis nose door";
            angle0 =0;
            angle1 =1.40;

         class CanGear
            type ="rotation";
            animPeriod =2;
            selection ="can_gear";
            axis ="axis can_gear";
            angle0 =0;
            angle1 =0.61086;

         class GearW
            type = "rotation";
            animperiod = .01;
            selection = "gearw";
            axis = "axis gearw";
            angle1= -3.141581;

         class Canopy
            axis="axis canopy";

      class UserActions
         class CloseCanopy
         displayName="Close Canopy";
         condition="this animationPhase ""Canopy"" >0.5 and speed this <45 and player in this";
         statement="this animate [""Canopy"",0]; [this] exec ""\DSL_a10\scripts\cs.sqs"" ";

         class OpenCanopy
         displayName="Open Canopy";
         condition="this animationPhase ""canopy"" <0.5 and speed this <40 and player in this";
         statement="this animate [""Canopy"",1]; [this] exec ""\DSl_a10\scripts\cs.sqs"" ";

      class EventHandlers
         init = "[(_this Select 0)] exec ""\DSL_a10\scripts\num.sqs""; [_this select 0] exec ""\DSL_a10\scripts\checkgear.sqs""; [_this select 0, {wa}] exec ""\DSL_a10\scripts\set_markings.sqs""; [_this select 0] exec ""\dsl_a10\scripts\drawmissiles.sqs""; _this select 0 animate [""NoseGearDoor2"", 1]; [_this select 0] exec ""\dsl_a10\scripts\enginefire.sqs""; [_this select 0] exec ""\dsl_a10\scripts\enginefiresound.sqs"";";
         gear="if (_this Select 1) then {[_this select 0] exec""\DSL_a10\scripts\geardown.sqs""} else {[_this select 0] exec ""\DSL_a10\scripts\gearup.sqs""}";
         fired="[_this] exec ""\DSL_a10\scripts\firemissiles.sqs""; [_this] exec ""\DSL_A10\scripts\gun_brake.sqs""; ";
         incomingMissile = " if ((_this select 0)==(_this select 0)) then {[_this] exec ""\DSL_a10\scripts\autoflares.sqs""; [_this] exec ""\DSL_a10\scripts\spoofmissile.sqs""}";
         getout = "[_this] exec ""\DSL_a10\scripts\eject.sqs""";

   class DSL_a10g: DSL_a10
      displayName = "A-10A (Grey)";
      model = "\DSL_a10\DSL_a10_mesh_g";
      picture = "\DSL_a10\picgrey.paa";

   class DSL_a10mk: Plane
      vehicleClass = "DSL - Aircraft";
      picture = "\DSL_a10\picgreen.paa";
      landingspeed =190;
      flapsFrictionCoef = 0.14;
      gearRetracting = true;
            displayName="A-10A MK82 (Green)";

      insideSoundCoef = 0.01;

      noseDownCoef = 1;
      elevatorSensitivity = 1.4;
      aileronSensitivity = 1.1;
      wheelSteeringSensitivity = 1.3;

      class ViewPilot
                initFov=0.8; minFov=0.6; maxFov=1.0;
                initAngleX=15; minAngleX=-15; maxAngleX=+25;
                initAngleY=0; minAngleY=-100; maxAngleY=+100;

      class GunFire: DSL_A10GunSmoke{};
      class GunClouds: DSL_A10GunSmoke{};
      class MGunFire: DSL_A10GunSmoke{};
      class MGunClouds: DSL_A10GunSmoke{};

      weapons[]={"DSL_GAU8", "DSL_MK82Launcher12", "DSL_AIM9Launcher2"};
      magazines[]={"DSL_GAU8", "DSL_MK82Launcher12", "DSL_AIM9Launcher2"};

      class ReloadAnimations
         class DSL_GAU8
            weapon = DSL_GAU8;
            angle0 = 0;
            angle1 = "-2 * 3.141592654";
            multiplier = 5000;
            type = rotation;
            animPeriod = 1;
            selection = gau8a;
            begin = "usti hlavne";
            end = "konec hlavne";
      class Reflectors
         class Reflector
            selection="L svetlo";

      hiddenSelections[]={"n1", "n2", "n3", "bas_tailflash_l", "bas_tailflash_r", "bas_taillogo_l", "bas_taillogo_r", "bas_tailnum_l", "bas_tailnum_r", "bas_usaf_l", "bas_usaf_r",   "_aimA", "_aimB", "_mk82A", "_mk82B", "_mk82C", "_mk82D", "_mk82E", "_mk82F", "_mk82G", "_mk82H", "_mk82I", "_mk82J", "_mk82K", "_mk82L"};

      animated = 1;
      class Animations
         class LeftGear
            type ="rotation";
            animPeriod =2;
            selection ="left wheel";
            axis ="axis left wheel";
            angle0 =0;
            angle1 =1.43;

         class LeftGearDoor
            type ="rotation";
            animPeriod =2;
            selection ="left flap1";
            axis ="axis left flap1";
            angle0 =0;
            angle1 =1.560;
         class RightGear
            type ="rotation";
            animPeriod =1.9;
            selection ="right wheel";
            axis ="axis right wheel";
            angle0 =0;
            angle1 =-1.43;

         class RightGearDoor
            type ="rotation";
            animPeriod =1.9;
            selection ="right flap1";
            axis ="axis right flap1";
            angle0 =0;
            angle1 =-1.560;

         class NoseGear
            type ="rotation";
            animPeriod =2.3;
            selection ="nose wheel";
            axis ="axis nose wheel";
            angle0 =0;
            angle1 =1.5;
         class NoseGearDoor
            type ="rotation";
            animPeriod =2;
            selection ="nose door2";
            axis ="axis nose door2";
            angle0 =0;
            angle1 =1.477;

         class NoseGearDoor2
            type ="rotation";
            animPeriod =2.3;
            selection ="nose door";
            axis ="axis nose door";
            angle0 =0;
            angle1 =1.40;

         class CanGear
            type ="rotation";
            animPeriod =2;
            selection ="can_gear";
            axis ="axis can_gear";
            angle0 =0;
            angle1 =0.61086;

         class GearW
            type = "rotation";
            animperiod = .01;
            selection = "gearw";
            axis = "axis gearw";
            angle1= -3.141581;

         class Canopy
            axis="axis canopy";

      class UserActions
         class CloseCanopy
         displayName="Close Canopy";
         condition="this animationPhase ""Canopy"" >0.5 and speed this <45 and player in this";
         statement="this animate [""Canopy"",0]; [this] exec ""\DSL_a10\scripts\cs.sqs"" ";

         class OpenCanopy
         displayName="Open Canopy";
         condition="this animationPhase ""canopy"" <0.5 and speed this <40 and player in this";
         statement="this animate [""Canopy"",1]; [this] exec ""\DSl_a10\scripts\cs.sqs"" ";

      class EventHandlers
         init = "[(_this Select 0)] exec ""\DSL_a10\scripts\num.sqs""; [_this select 0] exec ""\DSL_a10\scripts\checkgear.sqs""; [_this select 0, {wa}] exec ""\DSL_a10\scripts\set_markings.sqs""; [_this select 0] exec ""\dsl_a10\scripts\drawmissiles_mk.sqs""; _this select 0 animate [""NoseGearDoor2"", 1]; [_this select 0] exec ""\dsl_a10\scripts\enginefire.sqs""; [_this select 0] exec ""\dsl_a10\scripts\enginefiresound.sqs"";";
         gear="if (_this Select 1) then {[_this select 0] exec""\DSL_a10\scripts\geardown.sqs""} else {[_this select 0] exec ""\DSL_a10\scripts\gearup.sqs""}";
         fired="[_this] exec ""\DSL_a10\scripts\firemissiles_mk.sqs""; [_this] exec ""\DSL_A10\scripts\gun_brake.sqs""; ";
         incomingMissile = " if ((_this select 0)==(_this select 0)) then {[_this] exec ""\DSL_a10\scripts\autoflares.sqs""; [_this] exec ""\DSL_a10\scripts\spoofmissile.sqs""}";
         getout = "[_this] exec ""\DSL_a10\scripts\eject.sqs""";

   class DSL_a10mkg: DSL_a10mk
      displayName = "A-10A MK82 (Grey)";
      model = "\DSL_a10\DSL_a10_mesh_mk_g";
      picture = "\DSL_a10\picgrey.paa";

   class DSL_a10gbu: Plane
      vehicleClass = "DSL - Aircraft";
      picture = "\DSL_a10\picgreen.paa";
      landingspeed =190;
      flapsFrictionCoef = 0.14;
      gearRetracting = true;
            displayName="A-10A GBU-12 (Green)";

      insideSoundCoef = 0.01;

      noseDownCoef = 1;
      elevatorSensitivity = 1.4;
      aileronSensitivity = 1.1;
      wheelSteeringSensitivity = 1.3;
      laserScanner = 1;

      class ViewPilot
                initFov=0.8; minFov=0.6; maxFov=1.0;
                initAngleX=15; minAngleX=-15; maxAngleX=+25;
                initAngleY=0; minAngleY=-100; maxAngleY=+100;

      class GunFire: DSL_A10GunSmoke{};
      class GunClouds: DSL_A10GunSmoke{};
      class MGunFire: DSL_A10GunSmoke{};
      class MGunClouds: DSL_A10GunSmoke{};

      weapons[]={"DSL_GAU8", "DSL_AGM65Launcher2", "DSL_GBU12", "DSL_AIM9Launcher2"};
      magazines[]={"DSL_GAU8", "DSL_AGM65Launcher2", "DSL_GBU12", "DSL_AIM9Launcher2"};

      class ReloadAnimations
         class DSL_GAU8
            weapon = DSL_GAU8;
            angle0 = 0;
            angle1 = "-2 * 3.141592654";
            multiplier = 5000;
            type = rotation;
            animPeriod = 1;
            selection = gau8a;
            begin = "usti hlavne";
            end = "konec hlavne";
      class Reflectors
         class Reflector
            selection="L svetlo";

      hiddenSelections[]={"n1", "n2", "n3", "bas_tailflash_l", "bas_tailflash_r", "bas_taillogo_l", "bas_taillogo_r", "bas_tailnum_l", "bas_tailnum_r", "bas_usaf_l", "bas_usaf_r",   "_aimA", "_aimB", "_mavA", "_mavB", "_gbuA", "_gbuB", "_gbuC", "_gbuD"};

      animated = 1;
      class Animations
         class LeftGear
            type ="rotation";
            animPeriod =2;
            selection ="left wheel";<

Offline Fragorl

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Re: Thunderbolt Machine gun
« Reply #1 on: 07 Feb 2005, 06:56:05 »
explosive=0 under cfgammo: dsl_bullet_gau8

Offline penguinman

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Re: Thunderbolt Machine gun
« Reply #2 on: 07 Feb 2005, 08:14:40 »
cool, thanks but it still explodes when it hits a unit,

nice job on getting it to not explode when it hits the ground but it will still explode if it hits a man, car armor or object, i want no explosions.


Offline Pilot

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Re: Thunderbolt Machine gun
« Reply #3 on: 07 Feb 2005, 17:10:17 »
About the dispersion, adjust it by changing the dispersion value in this section:
class CfgWeapons
   class Default {};
   class MGun: Default {};
   class MachineGun7_6: MGun {};
   class MachineGun30: MachineGun7_6 {};
   class DSL_GAU8: MachineGun30
      ammo ="DSL_Bullet_Gau8";
      displayName="GAU 8/A Avenger";
          displayNameMagazine="GAU 8/A";
          shortNameMagazine="GAU 8/A";
      multiplier =5;
      reloadTime = 0.05;
      dispersion = 0.014;

The higher the value, the more the bullets disperse.
« Last Edit: 07 Feb 2005, 17:10:53 by Student Pilot »

Offline Pilot

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Re: Thunderbolt Machine gun
« Reply #4 on: 07 Feb 2005, 17:18:21 »
About the exploseive bullet:
try changing this part in the CfgAmmo section:
Code: [Select]
class default {};
   class LaserGuidedBomb: Default{};
   class BulletSingle: default {};
   class ExplosiveBullet: BulletSingle {};
   class Bullet30: ExplosiveBullet {};
   class DSL_Bullet_Gau8: Bullet30

Code: [Select]
class Default {};
class BulletSingle : Default {};
class Bullet7_6: BulletSingle {};
class Bullet12_7: Bullet7_6 {};
class DSL_Bullet_Gau8: Bullet12_7

You currently have the bullets defined as an explosive bullet:
Code: [Select]
class ExplosiveBullet: BulletSingle {};
I changed that to a machine gun bullet, however, now the bullets may not be powerful enough, you will have to experiment to see what is right for you.

Offline penguinman

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Re: Thunderbolt Machine gun
« Reply #5 on: 10 Feb 2005, 01:16:18 »
well see, The aircraft is a tank hunter, and those bullets will penetrate a tanks armor but they dont explode in real life. i want to make it more realistic by removing the explosion.

i want the same dammage because machine gun bullets, or any other bullets wont be able to penetrate tank armor.

is there any way to just remove the explosion they make

Offline oyman

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Re: Thunderbolt Machine gun
« Reply #6 on: 10 Feb 2005, 01:21:47 »
no way to get rid of explosions except if you modify main config or try Student Pilot's way

Offline penguinman

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Re: Thunderbolt Machine gun
« Reply #7 on: 10 Feb 2005, 01:23:20 »
would it be hard to make a new bullet thats exactly the same but just dosent explode and put it in.

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Re: Thunderbolt Machine gun
« Reply #8 on: 10 Feb 2005, 04:13:37 »
I don't think this can be done, as this effect is hard-coded into the game engine for that class of bullet.

However, this effect is not entirely unrealistic.  If you have seen a video of the bullets hitting a tank, you would notice sparks flying everywhere.  I think BIS tried to recreate this by coding the explosion effect into the bullet.

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Re: Thunderbolt Machine gun
« Reply #9 on: 10 Feb 2005, 18:24:22 »
I thought this bullet was made by the addonmaker not BIS?

yes I have seen a video but the problem is. ive got infantry i want fired on near the tanks and every time a tank takes a singel hit, it makes an explosion on it and the infantry go flying everywhere even though the tank is fine, also i wanted to show in a cutscene infantry getting hit by the bullets

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Re: Thunderbolt Machine gun
« Reply #10 on: 10 Feb 2005, 20:39:37 »
to stop the guys flying right next to the tank modify this code
Code: [Select]
indirectHit=150;indirectHitRange=2.5;change it to... i dont know
Code: [Select]

i think thats it :P

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Re: Thunderbolt Machine gun
« Reply #11 on: 11 Feb 2005, 04:14:23 »
I thought this bullet was made by the addonmaker not BIS?
Yes, it is.  However, if you look at this section:
Code: [Select]
class default {};
   class LaserGuidedBomb: Default{};
   class BulletSingle: default {};
   class ExplosiveBullet: BulletSingle {};
   class Bullet30: ExplosiveBullet {};
   class DSL_Bullet_Gau8: Bullet30
You will notice is is classed as an explosive bullet, as a result, Operation Flashpoint adds the explosion effect.

it makes an explosion on it and the infantry go flying everywhere even though the tank is fine
I believe oyman's suggestion is correct.

also i wanted to show in a cutscene infantry getting hit by the bullets
Oh, ok, yeah, the explosion effect doesn't look too good with infantry. :P

I've been looking through the comref, and might have a suggestion for you.  In a previous post of mine, I suggested classing the bullet as a machine gun bullet.  Try this, when you do this, also try adjusting this value:
Code: [Select]
hit=300If my assumption is correct, raising this value will make the bullet cause more dammage.  Try raising it and see if it makes up for the change in class to a machine gun bullet
« Last Edit: 11 Feb 2005, 04:24:46 by Student Pilot »

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Re: Thunderbolt Machine gun
« Reply #12 on: 11 Feb 2005, 05:31:11 »
hmm such a hard desision, if i switch to mg bullet then i will lose the big dust spray that looks so good in the cutscene and it willl be replaced by a tiny dirt spray. hmm?

go to http://www.grouchymedia.com/other_videos/bombshell/download.cfm

this video shows several clips of an A10 strafing iraqi targets with its main cannon in one of the gulf wars. you can see the big dirt puffs, could anybody do somthing like that

Offline oyman

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Re: Thunderbolt Machine gun
« Reply #13 on: 11 Feb 2005, 20:39:20 »
you would have to make a custom explosion effect

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Re: Thunderbolt Machine gun
« Reply #14 on: 12 Feb 2005, 01:00:17 »
well since I dont even know what program is used to do that then il just use the machine gun bullet.

thanks guys