Hi Ade
Point very well taken. In actual fact every single western nation (including the US) were in China to carve it up and extract completely ruinous trade terms from the Chinese. Every one of us there were guilty of the worst excesses of colonialism and imperialism - so if anyone wanted to lay calim to being the "good guys" it would have to be the Chinese.
Still, the show was a "ripping yarn" and boys own adventure stuff - godless hordes of screaming yellow peril chinese, how could you not be drawn in to that fantasy as a 12 year old ? !
I'd love to see how they'd make that movie today - a dark and brooding anti-hero, forced to exploit the natives in his role as a shill for a multinational corporation, lots of bullet time and slow-mo dancing daggers type sequences, western corruption vs eastern purity. That sort of crap.
No, my point was that just about any situation could be drawn to make one side favourable over another. And a multi-nation mission would be heap of fun, no matter who was "good" and who was "bad". How about a multi-lateral Bosnian intervention in 1994 - who'd be the "good guys" then ?
I like the idea of a moral dilemma type mission. I had an RPG idea like this many years ago. The players were supposed to be a small group of Wehrmacht regulars posted to the Ukraine in 1942. They were to have seven guys to patrol 60,000 square kilometes of area and jut one directive - keep the rail lines open ! One went east carrying troops, the other went west carrying wounded, prisoners etc.
So how do you oversee all that space with just seven guys ? Easy - militia ! Vigilantes. Fifth columnists, Ustachi, Waffen SS. Recruit from the localas and set them against each other.
Oh, and by the way - the SS were going to show up and ask for unrestricted use of the local stadium, four bulldozers and a thousand pounds of quicklime. Oh, and a list of all local communist party leaders, former military officers, Jews, gypsies, intellectuals, and Catholics.
No questions asked please.
The sad thing is that I used to play a lot of RPG's and saw way too easily how so many players fell into the abyss. "Round up all the Jews ? Sure - no problem ! Do they neeed to be alive, breathing or just able to walk ?"
Scary what people can turn into really.
roni out