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Author Topic: Unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (Read 1676 times)

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« on: 15 Jan 2005, 17:49:30 »
I'm not so sure mod developers really understand how difficult these add on, mod things are!
I have been up all night this weekend, just trying  my very best effort to download & install a few mods, campaigns, missions, & add ons, for my enjoyment. There is something very wrong with all of this. I am not a mod developer, but I  think I may need to be a mod developer, just to get 1 of these damn things to work. There needs to be a distinction between mod developers & mod users.  You would think, that  by carefully following the instructions a guy could install one of these damn things correctly! I've tried the silly ofp manager, I tried mod folders, nothing is available to help keep these things organized. I find it unbelievable!! That there is no real ofp manager, like the manager that is used for GTR. Does anyone know about this GTR manager? It's a program that installs, uninstalls, removes, all add on files for GTR.
It also downloads mods & add ons. Then installs them for you, placing all the files in the correct folders. There has to be something wrong if an ofp mod, or add on can't be installed correctly even with instructions that are also in english!!!!!

I have yet to get any vietnam campaign to work!!!
The flash FX is so difficult to understand I just deleted it. who created flash fx? could the developers of flash fx have made installing their mod any more difficult? I think not!

Real combat patrol looks awesome, but just try to install it with the mods requested in it's readme file!!!!!!!
I would like to ask is there anyone out there that has ofp & resistance & all the patches, and has a tons of mods, add ons installed correctly? Is there anyone who knows how these things work? Can anyone please explain the correct way to make mod folders?



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« Reply #1 on: 15 Jan 2005, 19:04:36 »
Find the folder where OFP is installed, default is something like C:\Program files\OperationFlaspoint.

Make a new folder in that directory and name it whatever you want.

Make a new folder in the whatever you want folder and name it Addons.

Put all the addon pbo's in the Addons folder.

Put all the mission pbo's in the folder called missions in the flashpoint directory unless it's a MPmission, that should go in the MPMissions.

Find your Operation Flashpoint shortcut or make one and put this in the commandline:
DriveLetter:\NameOfyourOFPdirectory\NameOfyourFlashpoint.EXE /Mod=NameOfyourModFolder

Mine looks like this:
E:\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE /nosplash /nomap /Mod=wgl

The flash FX mod i know nothing about so i won't go there.

I hope this helps because using mod folders really should be very easy :)
« Last Edit: 15 Jan 2005, 19:09:06 by Dane »


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« Reply #2 on: 16 Jan 2005, 04:57:34 »
Well, I never really care about @modfolders. The only thing I use with that is ECP. ;)

I generally don't care about having all my mod stuff around, if its pain to go through, I don't care. Through it I go.

Everything else goes in my addons folder unless it is a mission. :P

Well, then I have a scripts folder to, to keep all the good scripts/snippets I have so they don't float around missions too. :)

But I've really gotten rid of all my mods. Just good old version 1.96 w/ECP + BAS, SEBNAM2, I44 WWII, and all the other little addons floatin around.

Of course I have a few more folders for my addon depot responsibilities, but no one else needs those, its hard to keep track of what you've depbo'ed and where it is and to make sure it isn't screwing with the addons folder. :P


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« Reply #3 on: 16 Jan 2005, 13:09:15 »
Yeah i guess mod folders isn't much use unless it's a real mod, but before i knew about the /nomap command i had some trouble when i changed graphics card. Suddenly i could only run OFP with 4-500mb's of addons, anything above OFP would start with a memory error and CTD ???
Right now i'm running OFP with the FDF-Mod with 1.2Gb :P of addons and with the FDF.Exe i'm not having any problems with or without /nomap except for the occasional crash that i always had with OFP :(
« Last Edit: 16 Jan 2005, 13:10:34 by Dane »

Offline XCess

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« Reply #4 on: 24 Jan 2005, 10:51:52 »
I'm confused  ??? Very confused  ??? For me installing Operation Flashpoint addons is easier than any other game I've downloaded anything for... particularly GTA. Try adding a car to that and you'll be in love with the way OFP handles addons.

dan ick

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« Reply #5 on: 01 Feb 2005, 18:39:45 »
 ;D Hi,

           I also have FDF mod,Inv44 and alot of other addons and they all seemed pretty easy to install etc....An iam a complete PC NOOBULATOR.Most of the things i just put in the addons folder and hey presto,But for the Fx thing,i think it goes in your Flashpoint Directory's (dont hold me to this).
This has not really bin much help :-\ but most of the addons work for me. ;) ;D

                                        Good Luck :P