>there are no bodies at Larche
It's fascinating to read how we all, automatically tune our antenna into bug mode, looking for the inconsistencies and 'errors'. things that don't gel. We just assume, almost 100% rightly that if it don't look right, it's an oversight by the author. In *this* mission nearly all those apparent inconsistencies are intentional, it's only later, the light goes on, AAH! now, I get it, The more towns you visit, the more, subtle differences kick in. Sometimes they glare, and look like newbie author bugs, they aint. Sometimes they're very subtle and we think we've spotted something Hobson hasn't. And mostly, I miss them all.
But anything I've spotted becomes clear and 'oh yes of course' a few hours later.
at a Benchmark of 5000 and 2gig6 you should be 'ok'. The 'trick' is, the moment you detect 'heaviness'. Run like hell. As in get the hell out of there because almost for certain, two
armies are on their way to your position. Even without lag, you would not survive. While the lag is not Hobson's deliberate choice, one of his many 'methods' of tackling this mission for the player is to hit and run as far away as possible. At no time in this mission will you ever survive as Rambo.
Everyone asks this question, sooner or later. How do I?, can I?, trigger a war. I think you should change the dialog about "how can we hurt them most". I don't think you should give any clues away how to (and I was dissapointed as you know, when I found out how easy it was), simply a statement (in effect) that clearly indicates, you can. That's what a player needs to know, whether or not there's any point even trying to.