There you go. That's another workaround I had forgotten about. The only reason I moved the sounds around was because ofp would not allow me to create and then destroy sound objects. I really hated having to add more triggers just for this.
Some for the things I created for the mission I did put in the Editor's Dept. Things like the script to join up small groups of soldiers into fewer larger groups (useful for the end of a mission); a mission to demonstrate all the faces, mimics and voices available etc. Other stuff like music in vehicles, reorganising the team, controlling the weather, mixing up east and west weapons, removing ammo from dead soldiers, AP and AV mines etc. I left as an "exercise for the reader"
. Frankly I was just too knackered to do any more, and anyway I reckoned that if anyone was really interested they would de-PBO it and figure it out themselves - I was pretty generous with the comments in all the scripts explaining how they work.
Incidentally the reason why you might have been having problems replicating my moving sounds could be because in ofp if you setPos a trigger to [x,y,0] it will be placed at sea level. I worked around this bug in the mission but the bug is fixed in ArmA. So if you replicated my code then your sound source may be being placed x meters in the air (I can't remember exactly how I fixed this one), where x is the height of the ground above sealevel where the trigger is placed. That is likely to put it too far away for it to be heard. If that is the problem then check out the getPosASL and setPosASL commands in ArmA. Life would have been so much easier with these commands in ofp.