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Author Topic: Changing Grenade Ammo Slot Size  (Read 1871 times)

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Changing Grenade Ammo Slot Size
« on: 28 Sep 2002, 06:32:19 »
How do I change the default ammo slot size of the grenades for grenadelaunchers?

By default, they take up 2 ammo slots, and that's unrealistic. A typical 203 gunner has more then three rounds on him, so I want to scale it back to 1 slot, but I would like to avoid making a custom gun, cause frankly...I'm not that good at addon making...yet.

If anyone has a clue, let me know.




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Re:Changing Grenade Ammo Slot Size
« Reply #1 on: 28 Sep 2002, 14:07:07 »
Simple, in the cfgweapon section for the grenadelauncer change from...

magazinetype=2 * 256;



('256' represents 1 slot, and a regular soldier has '10*256' slots to fill up).

Unfortunately you'll have to make up your own amended weapon cpp file to make this change (simple solution) OR amend a working 1.75 config.bin file and have the changes appy throughout the game (better but hard to find solution).


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Re:Changing Grenade Ammo Slot Size
« Reply #2 on: 28 Sep 2002, 17:03:41 »
('256' represents 1 slot, and a regular soldier has '10*256' slots to fill up).

No, 256 is the textures size

it should be:

magazineType="1 *          256";


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Re:Changing Grenade Ammo Slot Size
« Reply #3 on: 28 Sep 2002, 17:39:30 »
We're getting warmer.  :D

Does anyone know how to convert the config.bin to config.cpp for editing?

Or if I write an amended config.cpp specifically for the grenadelauncher, do I have to make up my own class or can I use the grenadelauncher class?

I would prefer to edit the 1.75 config.bin, but I just can't decode it. This way it would affect all the addons that use grenadelauncher, and normal weapons too, which I view as a the realistic way.


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Re:Changing Grenade Ammo Slot Size
« Reply #4 on: 28 Sep 2002, 20:57:00 »
OK, I opened up the config.bin and copied the grenade related code out and pasted it into a new config.cpp, for an addon called M203A.

My problem is I get a nasty error when I try to run OFP.

'm203a\config.cpp.cfgweapons':'{' encountered instead of '='

Here's the code I wrote. It's my first addon from scratch so expect some errors.

Can someone check this out and see what I did wrong?

#define TEast 0
#define TWest 1
#define TGuerrila 2
#define TCivilian 3
#define TSideUnknown 4
#define TEnemy 5
#define TFriendly 6
#define TLogic 7

#define true 1
#define false 0

// type scope
#define private 0
#define protected 1
#define public 2

#define WeaponNoSlot            0// dummy weapons
#define WeaponSlotPrimary      1// primary weapons
#define WeaponSlotSecondary   16// secondary weapons
#define WeaponSlotItem         256// items
#define WeaponSlotBinocular   4096// binocular
#define WeaponHardMounted      65536

class CfgPatches
   class M203Launcher
      units[] = {};
      weapons[] = {M203Launcher};
      requiredVersion = 1.75;


Class Default
class GrenadeLauncher: Default
class M203Launcher: GrenadeLauncher
      magazineType="1 *       256";
      displayNameMagazine="40MM GRENADE";
      muzzlePos="usti granatometu";
      muzzleEnd="konec granatometu";
class M16GrenadeLauncher
class M203Launcher : M16GrenadeLauncher
      displayName="M16 + M203A";
      class M16Muzzle: M16
      class M203Muzzle: GrenadeLauncher
         displayName="M203 Launcher";


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Re:Changing Grenade Ammo Slot Size
« Reply #5 on: 28 Sep 2002, 21:58:51 »
OK, I did some reading, and fixed the initial error, however I just can't seem to get this updated config to work. Shit...all I wanted to do was reduce the ammo slot of the 203 from 2 to 1. I tried to edit the config.bin, but when I recompiled it, something must have gotten chopped off, because OFP flipped out.

the latest error:

m203a\config.cpp/CfgWeapons/M203LauncherGun/: undefined base class 'M203LauncherGun'

Can someone please check out this config, and let me know what I did wrong?

class CfgPatches
   class M203Launcher
      units[] = {};
      weapons[] = {M203Launcher};
      requiredVersion = 1.75;

class CfgAmmo
   class Default {};
   class Grenade: Default{};
   class 40MMGrenade: Grenade


class CfgWeapons
   class Default{};
   class GrenadeLauncher: Default{};
   class M203Launcher: GrenadeLauncher
      magazineType="1 *       256";
      displayNameMagazine="40MM GRENADE";
      muzzlePos="usti granatometu";
      muzzleEnd="konec granatometu";
   class M16GrenadeLauncher{};
   class M203LauncherGun: M16GrenadeLauncher
      displayName="M16 + M203A";
      class M16: M16GrenadeLauncher{};
      class M16Muzzle: M16
      class M203Muzzle: M203LauncherGun
         displayName="M203 Launcher";

class CfgVehicles

   class All{};
   class AllVehicles:All{};
   class Land:AllVehicles{};
   class Man:Land{};
   class Soldier:Man{};
   class SoldierWB:Soldier{};
   class SoldierWG:SoldierWB
   class M203Soldier:SoldierWG
   displayName = "Soldier (M203A)";

class CfgNonAIVehicles
   class ProxyWeapon {};
   class ProxyM203Launcher: ProxyWeapon {};


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Re:Changing Grenade Ammo Slot Size
« Reply #6 on: 29 Sep 2002, 17:33:48 »
As I said initially

magazineType=256; is all you need to put though

magazineType="1 *       256"; does the same thing, okay Crunchy!

Now looking briefly at your config changes I think you need to change the

class M203Muzzle: M203LauncherGun


class M203Muzzle: M203Launcher

but the simplest way to do it is to simple change the magazinetype to '=256' in the

class GrenadeLauncher: Default

thats if you want the changes to apply to every rifle grenade launcher and if you're recrypting a config.bin back into the game.

Now the other problem you might have is a faulty decrypted 1.75 config.bin file (I picked up about 3 from various palces on the net and none worked properly when 'binned' again. It was only till I asked someone (won't say who) to actually send me a working version that I managed to get things cooking!).

Give me your email address and I'll send it to you.

But you'll also need Amalfi's 'cpp2bin' application to convert back to a config.bin for it to work ingame (get this app at ofp.gamezone.cz).

That should do it.


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Re:Changing Grenade Ammo Slot Size
« Reply #7 on: 29 Sep 2002, 20:06:38 »
I think you're right about the bad decryption. I decrypted the config.bin using OFPManager, and adjusted the ammo slot value, but when I used cpp2bin util I got mega errors in OFPR. That's why I pursued making a psuedo addon by copying the values from the config.bin to a seperate config.cpp. I'm not exactly a pro at this and programming was never my forte, so I couldn't make it work.

Thanks for the offer of sending me the good config.bin. My email is braybon9@hotmail.com


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Re:Changing Grenade Ammo Slot Size
« Reply #8 on: 02 Oct 2002, 06:04:19 »
ah ha. Figure it out. I was able to get a copy of an editable config.cpp. Worked as promised when cpp2bin'd. Now, I can make fun missions, where you have more then 3 grenades to work with. Cool


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Re:Changing Grenade Ammo Slot Size
« Reply #9 on: 03 Oct 2002, 14:37:35 »
I would need the working decoded config.cpp too. Not for cheating but for changing the slots etc. If anyone could send it to jorkki90@hotmail.com I'd appreciate =)

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Re:Changing Grenade Ammo Slot Size
« Reply #10 on: 03 Oct 2002, 16:23:23 »
BIS have an annotated Config.bin available from their Oxygen pages.



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Re:Changing Grenade Ammo Slot Size
« Reply #11 on: 03 Oct 2002, 17:11:45 »
Checked the config from BIS site, I believe it's for 1.46? I would need the config for 1.75... Anyone?  :)