I figured it out!! I did not know that there is an "instant"animation for keeping the binoculars to the face. there are several:
So I made a script that transitions from the animated switchmove (that make them take out the binoculars and put them to there face) to the hold position switchmove. I made the script general so you could send it any animation, any hold position, a transition time (since animations take different time) and a hold time (so you can make the sucker "hold the pose" for as many seconds as you want). I made the script so that it uses real time (not the wait or ~ (because that is not as reliable for precise timing. The scipt is attached in case anyone watching this thread has had similar problems. I will also post it at the editor depot when I have time to do a little demo mission.
Here is an example of how the script is called:
[unit, "LyingToBinocLying", "BinocLying", 2, 10] exec "do_hold_anim.sqs
I will call this solved!!