I require some help with a problem i have.
To enhance a bit my OFP , i am including a simple "burning effect" through editing the main config.
The burning effect is triggered by this in the config, in the vehicles definition :
class EventHandlers
killed="(_this select 0) exec {\neweffects\burning.sqs}";
Then , in my \modfolder\addons\ , i have a neweffects.pbo where i included the following burning.sqs script
_object = _this
_inten = 0.5 + random 0.5
_intenH = random 0.7
_size1 = [3 + random 2,1 + random 2]
_size2 = [3 + random 2,1 + random 2]
_length = 0.5 + random 0.5
_length2 = 1.5 + random 1.5
_mvel = [random 3 - random 3,random 3 - random 3,6]
;// Loop delay
~ 0.12
? _a >= 400: exit
drop ["cl_fire","","Billboard",0.01,_length,[0,0,0],_mvel,0,1,1,0,_size1,[[1,1,_intenH,_inten],[1,1,_intenH,_inten],[1,1,_intenH,_inten],[1,1,_intenH,0]],[0,0.7 + random 0.7],0,0,"","",_object]
drop ["cl_basic","","Billboard",0.01,_length2,[0,0,0],_mvel,0,1,1,0,_size2,[[0.05,0.05,0.05,0],[0.1,0.1,0.1,0],[0.1,0.1,0.1,_intenH],[0.1,0.1,0.1,_intenH],[0.1,0.1,0.1,0]],[0,1,0,1],0,0,"","",_object]
goto "loop"
I have not finished to tweak the values yet, but ingame this script works like it should, every destroyed vehicle will have the burning effects without errors popping up.
So what is my problem if all works well ?
The problem is in the default smoke that comes with the vehicle.
When the destroyed vehicle is a BIS model there are no problem (as the smoke appear on top of the vehicle) , the burning effect is very visible.
But and there is my problem, in several addons (i use them to replace BIS models) the smoke is really big and seems to originate from under the vehicle.
And this big smoke is hiding the burning effect under their dark cloud.
This does not come from their own config.cpp, as i delete them to use only a main config (when i replace BIS vehicle by those addons), so i suspect some value included in the addon itself is triggering that damn smoke behaviour that is killing my effect.
So here is my question : is it possible to override the normal smoke effect coming from destroyed vehicle , making it not appear (in the purpose of replacing it with a smoke script that i can control)
I tried several fire/burning script, and all are hidden by those kind of addons too big smoke (actually i noticed this in some Combat addon and inq_M60 by example).
I tried to add in my burning script
_object setfuel 0
removeallweapons _object
to limit this normal smoke time, but ingame it does not affect all destroyed vehicle (it works for some , the smoke disappear quickly, but for others the smoke remains, it seems to affect vehicle randomly).
Thanks for any help, as i can't find a solution.